User's Manual

Table Of Contents
(Block Check Character). 3964(R) handles only the link layer (L2 in OSI model), hence RipEX uses a
similar way to read “SCADA address” as in UNI protocol.
There is a handshake STX(0x02) DLE(Ox10) on the start of communication and DLE+ETX DLE
on the end. This handshake is performed by RipEX locally, it is not transferred over the RipEX network.
Communication goes as follows:
LocalRTU -> STX -> LocalRipEX
LocalRipEX -> DLE -> LocalRTU
LocalRTU -> DATA+DLE+ETX+BCC -> LocalRipEX
LocalRipEX -> DATA -> RemoteRipEX*
LocalRipEX -> DLE -> LocalRTU
RemoteRipEX -> STX -> RemoteRTU
RemoteRTU -> DLE -> RemoteRipEX
RemoteRipEX -> DATA+DLE+ETX+BCC -> RemoteRTU
RemoteRTU -> DLE -> RemoteRipEX
* only this packet is transferred over the RipEX network, all the other ones are handled locally.
Address mode
List box {Binary (1 B); Binary (2B LSB first); Binary (2B MSB first)}, default = "Binary (1 B)"
RipEX reads the Protocol address in the format and length set (in Bytes).
Address position
Specify the sequence number of the byte, where the Protocol address starts.
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