User's Manual

Radarfind Corporation
8/25/2010 A-Tag Installation Instructions Page 9
Copyright © RadarFind Corp 2009
Organization of Assets into a logical structure of Categories is important to allow users to easily
locate Assets they are searching for and get the most benefit from the RadarFind system.
Each RadarFind system contains a default Asset Type Category Tree database installed as an
example of how Assets may be organized to make the system easy to use.
Note: Assets imported from existing Asset management systems maintained by Biomed or
Materials will be imported into Categories that match the original system. In order for general
users to be able to locate items some alteration in the Asset naming conventions used by BioMed
may be required.
The Asset tree may be modified to suit specific requirements, within some general guidelines to
assure proper functioning of the Asset search and utilization functions of the system.
Asset Category Tree Basic Guidelines
1 – The tree is two levels deep, a Major Category and a Sub-Category.
2 – An Asset Sub-Category must be assigned to a Major Category.
3 - Individual Assets may only be assigned to an Asset Sub-Category
, not to a Major Category
4 - Asset Sub-Categories may be moved to other Major Categories by simply selecting another
“Parent” in the dropdown box at the bottom of the Edit screen.
5 – Assets may be tagged directly on the Asset Category screen if desired.