User Manual

menu settings and features.
Driving Mode
Recommended setting: Auto City
Options: Highway, City, Auto City
Description: Default driving mode when the
Pro M is powered up
Auto city speed limit
Recommended setting: 30 mph / 60 mph
Options: Increments of 5mph
Description: Low speed threshold
beneath which K and X band signals will
automatically mute / High speed threshold
past which detector is automatically set to
maximum sensitivity
City level
Recommended setting: X 4, K 2, Ka 0
Options: 0-9 for each band
Description: This setting allows the user
to individually control sensitivity to each
radar band while the detector is in City or
Auto City mode. The numbers represent
the amount of signal attenuation; 0 is no
attenuation, 9 is maximum attenuation
Display Mode
Recommended setting: user preference
Options: speed/time, speed, speed/
compass, speed/voltage, voltage, time
Description: Controls what information is
shown on the display during regular driving
Recommended setting: user preference
Options: English, metric
Description: Controls what units the Pro
M displays in. English will display miles per
hour (mph) or feet, and metric will display
kilometers per hour (kph) or meters
Recommended setting: bar
Options: bar, frequency
Description: Controls whether alerts are
displayed with a frequency readout or a bar
Recommended setting: on
Options: off, on
Description: Enables or disables voice alerts
Auto mute
Recommended setting: on
Options: off, on
Description: After eight seconds of alerting
the volume is automatically reduced
X Tone
Recommended setting: User preference
Options: 1-15
Description: Choose the specific tone you
hear during an X band alert.
K Tone
Recommended setting: User preference
Options: 1-15
Description: Choose the specific tone you
hear during a K band alert.
Ka Tone
Recommended setting: User preference
Options: 1-15
Description: Choose the specific tone you
hear during a Ka band alert.
MD Tone
Recommended setting: User preference
Options: 1-15
Description: Choose the specific tone you
hear during an MRCD alert.