User's Manual

RB8762 Designers Guide_draft v04 4
RB8762EVK and BLE Functionality
Radicom provides RB8762EVK Development Kits to provide a quick platform for testing
and evaluating the RB8762 and RB8762HM Bluetooth modules. The kit includes two
RB8762 modules mounted on the RB8762HM Dip Module. Each RB8762HM is installed
into a RB8762MB evaluation board. One of the RB8762HM is configured to operate in BLE
Data Protocol Master mode. The other RB8762HM is configured to operate in BLE Data
Protocol Slave mode. The RB8762MB boards have an RS232 Serial Port Connector that
allows the user to immediately connect to any standard serial port to evaluate the Bluetooth
The RB8762 modules are defaulted to use the BLE Data Protocol. For BLE Data Protocol
operation, you need one Radicom Master and one Radicom Slave module. The Slave Model
RB8762-S advertises or broadcasts the Bluetooth signal. The Master Model RB8762-M will
scan for Bluetooth signals and then request a Bluetooth connection. The RB8762-S Slave can
then accept the connection for BLE Data transfers. The RB8762-S Slave can also operate
with remote devices that also support the BLE Data Protocol.