User's Manual

Point to Point Operation
To demonstrate a simple point-to-point connection, with both modules in their default
state, send the “ ATD” command followed by a <CR> (carriage return or Enter Key) on
one module and then send the “ATA” command followed by a <CR> to the other
module. The “ ATD” command instructs the module to attempt to establish a wireless data
link in the Originate Mode. The ATA” command instructs the other module to attempt
to establish a wireless data link in the Answer mode. During the LINK process the
originating module will display “LINKING-O” The answering module will display
LINKING-A”. If the link is successful, the WHM900 modules will each display the
appropriate “CONNECT” result codes. After the CONNECT result codes are displayed,
the modules will be in On Line Data Mode and data transmission is now possible. The
data link between the modules is always error corrected so data will be received exactly
as it was sent. If data appears to be missing, verify that the data flow control is the same
on the Host and WHM900. The WHM900 defaults to Hardware Flow Control
(RTS/CTS). See the AT\Qn command change the modules flow control settings. If data
throughput is slow, set the Host equipment interface speed the same or higher than the
modules connect speed. The maximum DTE or Host interface speed is 57.6kbps. The
module will automatically detect and adjust to the new DTE speed upon receipt of the
next “ AT” command the module receives.
If ATS7 register time expires and no data link was completed, the module will display the
NO CARRIER” result code and will return to the Off Line Command Mode. If the On
Line Data Mode is interrupted, the modules will attempt to re-establish the connection.
Each attempt to re-connect will take approximately 10 seconds. The ATS18 register
determines how many times the module will attempt to re-connect. The “ NO LINK”
result code will be displayed after each failed attempt. If unable to successfully connect
after S18 times, the “ NO CARRIER” result code will be displayed and the modules will
return to the Off Line Command Mode. The module is now ready to accept more
The answering module can also be set up to automatically enter the ATA listening mode
upon power up or reset. See the S0 register for more information.