User's Manual

To communicate with the module test fixture you must first set-up your terminal or PC.
Make sure you select the appropriate communication serial port. For most applications,
select 8 DATA bits, No Parity bit, 1 STOP bit, and Hardware Flow Control. If you are
using a terminal program, you may find these options under communication settings or
terminal settings. Some software packages require that you select a specific brand or type
of modem. You may select Hayes compatible, Standard or Default. It is also
necessary to choose a DTE speed or baud rate for proper module operation. The DTE
speed should be set 57600bps. The module will accept lower speeds, but the
consequence would be poor throughput during data transfers.
You now should be able to communicate to the MDK2001 and module. Turn the power
on and type the letters AT followed by a carriage return or Enter key. The “ AT ” is a
command to the module; meaning ATtention what follows is a command. The module
should accept the AT command and automatically set it’s DTE speed and parity to match
the settings you have set on your equipment. The screen should display the AT and also
respond with the OK result code acknowledging it has received the command. This
demonstrates that the module is working properly and you may continue your design
MDK-2001 Lights and Descriptions
PWR Power LED - This light will be on when the MDK-2001 is turned on regardless
of whether there is a module installed.
DTR – Data Terminal Ready Light - The DTR light indicates the module is receiving
the Data Terminal Ready signal from the DTE on pin twenty of the serial port cable. This
signal must be present for the module to connect. The AT&D0 command may force this
signal but will have no effect on the DTR led.
TXD – Transmit Data Light - The on condition of this light lets you know that the
module is transmitting data or processing an AT command.
RXD – Receive Data Light - This light indicates that the module is receiving a
command or data.
CTS – Clear to Send Light - When this light is lit, the module is outputting a signal to
pin 5 of the serial port connector. This light and signal should always be on when the
module is under power, except when they are toggled indicating a full buffer during data
MI – Mode Indicator Light - The MI light will be on when the module has established
a wireless connection with a remote module. This light will also be on if the carrier signal
is forced with the AT&C0 command.
WP- Light This light will on when the module has power
LIP Link In Process The on condition of this light indicates that the module is
attempting to establish a wireless link. It will flash during a connection with frequency
hopping enabled.
2RD Not currently used