User Manual

3.13 FX1 and FX-2
FX-2 has been added to the soundengine and both FXs are now editable. FX2
offers the same functionality like FX1. The FX’s algorithm is at the moment a
Digital Delay with some nice extra features. Beside tempo synced delays and
ping pong echoes the Spectralis FX section allows very cool moduation FX’s
like flanging and chorusing as well.
3.13.1 Editing the FX-Settings
The settings of the FXs can be saved to FX-memories and you can edit FXs for
the whole song of for individual patterns independently.
Press [FX1 SEND] to enter the FX-Editing page:
1/2:S01:BASS2ASS Edit FX1 Stereo Delay
MODE:SONG PrDl:1/8 Time:1/4 Feed:82
Both FX have the same edit pages. 1/2 in the upper left corner indicates, that
you have two edit pages reachable with the [PAGE]-buttons.
If this parameter is set to „SONG“, the parameter changes will become
audible for all patterns, that have no individual settings. If you set Mode
to „PATT“, the changes will only become audible at the current pattern.
Don’t forget to save the settings for the pattern by using the save-pattern
function in the save-menu.
The second parameter controls the time of the predelay. By pressing the
encoder button, you can toggle between entering the delaytime with note
values or by ms.
The third parameter is the delaytime of the main delay. By pushing the
encoder button you can toggle between note value and milisecond
parameter value view.
„Feed“ controls the feedback of the main delay. Higher Feedback values
result in more echoe repeat as the FX signal will be fed into the delay
Push the [Page-Up]-Button for the second Edit Page:
2/2::S01:Bass2Ass Edit FX-1 Stereo Delay
Sprd:255 PdFb:0 Rate:0 Depth:0
This parameter controls the placement of the echoes in the stereo field. If you
set this parameter to a value of „0“, all echoes will appear in the center position
FX1 and FX2