User Manual

4.3.3 LFO Rate Menu
Turning the LFO Rate encoder sets the rate of the master LFOs 1 - 4 at once.
Holding [SHIFT] while turning the encoder assigns a modulation wheel
dependency to the LFO rate parameter. With a positive value, the rate increases
if the modulation wheel is in use.
Pressing the LFO RATE encoder opens the LFO Rate edit menu:
Master LFO Rate Menu
MLFO1:50 MLFO2:50 MLFO3:50 MLFO4:50
„MLFO1“ - „MLFO4“ controls the LFO rate of Master LFOs 1 - 4.
4.4 Hybrid Synth Filter section
The Spectralis Hybrid Synth engine sports two real analog filters - the 24db
Lowpass Filter and the 12 dB Multimode Filter.
4.4.1 dB Lowpass Filter
The red LP Filter Cutoff encoder „CUTOFF LP“ controls the cutoff frequency
of the 24dB Filter directly.
Holding [SHIFT] while turning the knob controls the multimode filter and the
24dB lowpass filter frequency at once.
The resonance encoder „RESO LP“ controls the the Resonance of the 24dB
lowpass filter. Holding down the [SHIFT] button while turning the resonance
knob adds a keyboard dependency to the cutoff frequency of the 24dB lowpass
filter. Dependent on the note number the filter frequency gets increased or
decreased depending on a positive or negative value.
Pressing either the cutoff or the resonance encoder button opens the 24dB
lowpass filter menu.
1/9:24dB Lowpass: Cutoff Modulation LFO
FmWve:0 FmRte:0 FmDpt:0
„FmWve“ - (Filter frequency modulation LFO waveform) changes the
waveform of the filter section LFO from sine(0) over triangle
(64),sawtooth (128), rectangle (196) to random (255)
„FmRte“ - (Filter frequency modulation LFO rate) changes the speed of
the filter modulation.
„FmDpt“ - (Filter modulation depth) controls the depth of the cutoff
frequency modulation.
Hybrid Synthesizer reference: Filter section