User Manual

2/9:24dB Lowpass: LFO Depth Envelope
FmEdl:0 FmEDa:0 FmEdr:0 FmEDp:0
„FmEdl“ - (Filter modulation delay) sets the time between the note trigger
and the start of the modulation depth envelope.
„FmEda“ - (filter LFO depth envelope attack time) controls the attack
time of the filter modulation envelope.
„FmEdr“ - (filter LFO depth envelope release time) controls the release
time of the filter modulation envelope.
„FmEdp“ - (filter LFO envelope depth) controls how much the
modulation depth gets controlled by the envelope generator.
3/9:24dB Lowpass: Filter Control
Cut:255 Reso:0 EgAm:91 Kscl:6
„Cut“ - (cutoff frequency) controls the cutoff frequency of the 24dB
lowpass filter.
„Reso“ - (resonance) controls the resonance of the 24dB filter.
„EgAm“ - (envelope amount) controls the depth of frequency automation
by the envelope generator.
„Kscl“ - (keyboard scaling) adds a keyboard dependency to the cutoff
frequency of the 24dB lowpass filter. Dependent on the note number the
filter frequency gets increased or decreased depending on a positive or
negative value.
4/9:24dB Lowpass: Cutoff Modulators
Src1:None Dph1:0 Src2:None Dph2:0
„Src1“, „Src2“ - (Modulation source) selects the modulation source for
the additional cutoff frequency modulation.
„Dph1“, „Dph2“ - (Modulation depth) controls the modulation depth of
the selected additional modulation source.
The following modulation sources are available
MLFO1-4 - Master LFO 1-4
MMLFO - Multimode Filter cutoff LFO
LPLFO - Lowpass Filter cutoff LFO
VLFO1-4 - VCO frequency LFO 1-4
Vel - Velocity
Aft - Aftertouch
Hybrid Synthesizer reference: 24dB Lowpass filter