User Manual

8/9:24dB Lowpass: exp. Filter FM
Osc1:0 Osc2:0 Osc3:0 Osc4:0
9/9:24dB Lowpass: lin. Filter FM
Osc1:0 Osc2:0 Osc3:0 Osc4:0
Both edit pages control the filter frequency modulation. The first page (8/9)
offers exponential FM and the second (9/9) linear FM. All oscillators can be
used for filter FM with independent depths.
„OSC1“ - „OSC4“ (Filter FM depth) - control the depth of FM
modulation from oscillator 1 - 4.
4.4.2 Multimode Filter
The red MM Filter Cutoff encoder „CUTOFF MM“ controls the cutoff
frequency of the Multimode Filter directly.
Holding [SHIFT] while turning the knob controls the multimode filter and the
24dB lowpass filter frequency in opposite direction. If filter 1 opens, the other
one closes.
The resonance encoder „RESO MM“ controls the the Resonance of the multi-
mode filter. Holding down the [SHIFT] button while turning the resonance
knob adds a keyboard dependency to the cutoff frequency of the multimode
filter. Dependent on the note number the filter frequency gets increased or
decreased depending on a positive or negative value.
The multimode filter is a special filter design that has independent outputs for
lowpass, bandpass and highpass filter functions. With the three buttons „12dB
LP“,“12dB BP“ and the „12dB HP“ one can mute and unmute the three filter
outputs independent from each other. By selecting the lowpass and the highpass
output together, the filter creates a notch characteristic.
Pressing either the „CUTOFF MM“ or the „RESO MM“ encoder button opens
the multimode filter menu.
1/8:Multimode: Cutoff Modulation LFO
FmWve:0 FmRte:0 FMDpt:0
„FmWve“ - (Filter frequency modulation LFO waveform) changes the
waveform of the filter section LFO from sine(0) over triangle
(64),sawtooth (128), rectangle (196) to random (255)
„FmRte“ - (Filter frequency modulation LFO rate) changes the speed of
the filter modulation.
Hybrid Synthesizer reference: Multimode filter