User Manual

„FX1“ (FX1 send level) controls the multimode filter send level for FX1.
„FX2“ (FX2 send level) controls the multimode filter send level for FX2.
8/8:Multimode: exponential Filter FM
Osc1:0 Osc2:0 Osc3:0 Osc4:0
The last edit page controls the exponential filter frequency modulation. All
oscillators can be used for filter FM with independent depths.
„OSC1“ - „OSC4“ (Filter FM depth) - control the depth of FM
modulation from oscillator 1 - 4.
4.4.3 Filter envelope generators menu
The Filter envelope generator menu contains parameters for both filters - the
multimode and the 24 dB lowpass filter.
Turning the EG DEPTH (envelope depth) encoder controls both envelope depth
parameters of the filters at once. Values above and below „0“ will add a envelope
shaped cutoff frequency control.
Holding [SHIFT] and rotating the EG DEPTH encoder controls a macro based
control over both (Multimode and 24dB lowpass) filter cutoff envelopes.
Pressing the EG DEPTH encoderbutton in the filtersection opens the envelope
generator edit menu. Each filter sports two envelope generators - one for the
volume and one for the cutoff frequency control.
1/4:Multimode Volume Envelope Page1
Att:74 ^Dcy:127 Stn:160 Rls:127
„Att“ - (Attack Time) controls the attack time of the multimode filter
volume envelope.
„Dcy“ - (Decay Time) controls the decay time of the multimode filter
volume envelope.
„Stn“ - (Sustain Level) controls the sustain level of the multimode filter
volume envelope.
„Rls“ - (Release Time) controls the release time of the multimode filter
volume envelope.
Pushing the „Dcy“ encoder button opens the submenu for the hold time.
The hold time defines a ramp just between the attack and decay phase of
the envelope. That simulates the curves of some vintage envelope
generators and gives more sonic flexibility.
Hybrid Synthesizer reference: Filter envelopes