User Manual

„Osc1“ - „Osc4“ (Oscillator signal bypass) bypass the envelope
dependent amplifiers of oscillator 1 - 4 and feed the signals direct into
the targets.
2/2:Bypass Settings
MM:0 LP:0 FB:0 Nse:0
„MM“, „LP“, „FB“, „Nse“ (Filters and Noise signal bypass) bypass
the envelope dependent amplifiers of the filters and the noise signal and
feed the signals directly to the outputs.
4.7 Fixed filterbank section
Pressing the LEVEL button in the filterbank section assigns the encoders 1 -
16 to the filterbank volumes. Pressing the PAN button assigns encoders 1 - 11
to the filterbank stereo position. You can check the labels above the encoders.
The filterbank has ten filters - one lowpass, one highpass and 8 bandpasses
with fixed frequencies. The first ten encoders control the volume/panning of
the ten bands. Encoder 11 controls the filterbank main volume/panning,
controller 12 and 13 controls the direct FX-Sends 1 and 2 of the filterbank.
With encoder 14 and 15 the filterbank output can be fed into the 24 dB Lowpass
and the multimode filter. Pressing any of the 15 encoder buttons opens the
filterbank edit menu.
1/2:Filterbank Configuration
Morph:10 FBBP:0 FbQ:130 FbFs:15
„Morph“ - (Filterbank volume envelope morphing) this is a macro control
for the volume envelope of the filterbank.
„FBBP“ - (Filterbank envelope controlled amplifier bypass) This
parameter is essential for getting a sound out of the filterbank even if the
hybrid synth is not played by a keyboard or by the sequencer. If you feed
some noise into the filterbank and start wondering, why controlling the
levels of the filterbank gives no sound, this parameter is probably the
solution. If you set this parameter ta volume of 255, the filterbank works
independent from the envelope and gives a steady output signal.
„FbQ“ - (Filterbank Qs) this parameter controls the Q-factor (resonance)
of all 10 filters of the filterbank.
„FbSp“ - (Filterbank partial filter spreading) The Spectralis fixed
filterbank creates the high slope of the filterbank filterbands by using
multiple partial filter for each filterband. Just imagine one bandpass filter
as a configuration of multiple filters with slight different frequencies
that form together the slope of the filter. By changing the spreading
parameter you can control how close the filterfrequencies of the partial
Hybrid Synthesizer reference: Filterbank section