User Manual

keep the sample names short. Most of the information about an sample is already
specified in the category and subcategory. The sample name itself can give
additional info. Just imagine, you have sampled a kick drum with a 28" bassdrum
and a neumann microphone. You can now name the new kick "28MicNeu" and
select "Kick" as the category and "Natural" as the Subcategory.
Which sample-formats are supported?
The Spectralis Sample Import Application reads the following filetypes:
WAV-Files with 16 Bit, 44,1 KHz Mono or Stereo
Soundfont II Files with multisamples or collections of multisamples.
How does the import work?
First create a folder on your computers harddrive for the Sample-translater and
copy the 2 files from the CDR (SpectImp.exe and SpectImp.ini) onto the new
folder. An installation of the program is not necessary. The registry informations
will be added to the registry automaticly at the first startup.
Now start the application. You will see a mostly empty application window.
Importing new samples just works via Drag and Drop. Select a soundfont file
or some wav-files that are in the specified format and just drag and drop them
onto the empty window area of the program. The Spectralis will create a list
then with multiple rows.
The list will look like:
Sound-Name Category Coll Samples Size SoundID
x NordKick1 (unknown) --- 1(1M) 154kB [FE67D5A7]
x NordKick2 (unknown) --- 1(1M) 123kB [A5CDD998]
" " " " " " "
In front of the sample list entries is a field, where you still can decide whether
you want to include the sample to your Sample-Set or not. You will realize, that
the samples still don't have a category and subcategory selected. You also see
the memory usage of the samples and the unique sample identifier "SoundID",
which will be created automaticly. All you have to do now is to specify the
category for all samples. You can select multiple entries by holding down the
Shift- or Ctrl-button of the computer keyboard while selecting multiple entries.
To specify the category press the right mouse button to open the category
selection tree. This selection tree lets you automaticly only select valid category/
subcategory combinations.
After selecting the categories the program window list will look like:
Sound-Name Category Coll Samples Size SoundID
x NordKick1 [KE]Electro Kick--- 1(1M) 154kB [FE67D5A7]
x NordKick2 [KE]Electro Kick--- 1(1M) 123kB [A5CDD998]
" " " " " " "
When you have selected categories for all samples, you can export the Sample-
Set as Single Sample-Instruments or as an Instrument collection. For both options
Using your own samples