User Manual

the program has a dedicated button. Pressing one of those buttons pops up a
dialog to select the folder, where the Sample-Sets can be found after the export
The created file can now be copied to the Spectralis flash memory or onto one smart
media card and will be loaded during the next Spectralis bootup or after selecting the
Browse function. Refer to the DSP-Synth Editing section of this manual to create
new sounds with the new sample-instruments.
6.1Controlling external MIDI gear
We already covered the assignment of individual stepsequencer lines to MIDI targets
in the target selection chapter of the step sequencer description (Chapter 3.6.1,
page 80) . In this chapter you will learn how to assign any of the Spectralis pattern
sequencer parts to external MIDI gear.
Both synthesis engines of the Spectralis are optimized for fast program changes without
delays even when using complex sounds.. The ability to switch from one pattern
to another without any timing issues is a speciality of the Spectralis.
Unfortunatly, not every synthesizer out there is capable of changing patches as
fast. For this reason we decided against allowing program changes at each
pattern change. Even if your external synth would follow program changes in
time, you might experience truncated release phases of long sounds or other
frustrating side-effects.
Still - being able to use multiple sound from your external sound sources based
on your selected patterns in a song is a very essential feature. We implemented
a different process making this possible without dealing with program changes.
Up to 16 different sounds can be used in a song from external MIDI instruments.
Instead of sending a program change you simply select another MIDI channel
for the new sound. If you are using multimode sound devices, this limitation
should not pose a problem.
For each MIDI channel you can define a program change, a bank change, the
part volume and the panpot position. These settings are called MIDI definitions.
The selectable MIDI definitions 1-16 are equivalent to MIDI channels 1-16.
The Spectralis will send these settings everytime you are selecting a song with
memorized MIDI definitions. Sending the data during a song performance is
not necessary anymore. The song will play without any timing problems caused
by program changes or truncated release phases.
6.1.1 Assigning a part to MIDI
Assigning a part to an external MIDI instrument is straightforward. Just hit
[Select] to enter the part select mode and push and hold [Shift] followed by the
desired part number with the numeric buttons [1] - [15]. The following display
menu will appear:
MIDI Redirekt for Part DSyn1
The first encoder allows you to select a midi definition (MDef) between 1 and
16 which represents the MIDI channel. If you change your mind and decide to
assign the part back to the internal synthesizer engine, just hit the MIDI-Defi-
Using your own samples