User Manual

If you want to erase a setting, simply push the encoder button of a parameter to
set it’s value to undefined - indicated by a crossed line β€žβ€”β€œ.
Alternatively the MIDI definitions can be set up in a dedicated menu inside the
song edit section as well. Pushing the [Song-Select]-button opens an editpage.
This editpage contains an entry [MIDI]. Pushing the [MIDI] encoderbutton
opens another menupage with the [MIDIDEF] menu entry.
Sequencerlines and parts assigned to MIDI definitions are sharing the available
MIDI resources. Make sure, you are not using the same MIDI channel from
multiple sequencer sections or parts unless you want to control some synthesis
parameters with the step-sequencer parameter control lines while the
patternsequencer is playing the motif on this MIDI instrument.
TIP: The Spectralis has a softthrough function. If you are using a MIDI
keyboard to play a selected part and if this part is assigned to a MIDI
instrument, the masterkeyboard will become assigned to this MIDI
instrument as well. If you activate the sequencer-function menu and if
you select a sequence line assigned to a MIDI instrument, the softthrough
function will work in the same way.
Controlling external MIDI gear