User Manual

8.0 Spectralis 2 Realtime Clock
When you browse the spectralis files at your computer, you will recognize,
that the files created by the Spectralis 2 have a normal timestamp. This
functionality makes it necessary to supply the Spectralis 2 with a realtime clock.
The realtime clock runs, even when you have turned off the unit. The clock is
powered by a goldcap - a special capacitor with a very big capacity. However
- after around three months without any power, the goldcap will not have enough
power to drive the realtime clock anymore. In this case, the Spectralis 2 will
prompt a "set time"-dialog on power up.
If your spectralis clock is running fine but shows a different date and time as
your computer, you should set the time manually. Especcially when you are
living in a different time-zone from from the Middle-European Timezone MEZ,
setting the time is essential.
Press and hold the [Shift]-button and push the [System]-button to enter the
system-menu. The following display dialog will appear:
1/5:System SN:00xxxxxx V1.5x
Drum:OFF Contr:100 Save:Yes Load:ASK
Press [Page-Up] multiple times to reach the fifth menu page:
5/5:System SN:00xxxxxx V1.5x
SetTime SvAck:YES OvlTm:15 LMenu:DIS
Push the [SetTime]-encoder-button to open the "Set-Time" dialog. The
following display message should appear:
2005 - Okt-12 - 18:36:05
Year | Day | Time |
You can dial the date and the time with the first three encoders until the time
equals with your computer realtime clock. You can leave the menu with the
8.1 Filetypes and the directory structure of the Spectralis flash memory
The Spectralis Flash Memory holds usually all data, the Spectralis reads during
startup. We have different file-types, which are also mentioned inside the "How
to..." chapters of the manual. We just want to give you an overview about
everything, you will find at the flash memory.
Song Folders and patterns
On the flash memory you will see a number of folders named "SONG01",
"SONG02" etc. The songfolders make it very easy to manage all files of
an entire song. If you open a song-folder, you will find the following
Realtime clock, Filetypes