User Manual

Song.INI - The songdata file
The songdata file contains the name of the song, the tempo setting for
the song and the programmed song-chain.
Pattxx.SPT - The pattern data file
This file contains all motifs and sound data of a pattern. "xx" is the pattern
number, under which the pattern can be recalled inside the song-chain
editor or the pattern-jam mode. Patterns can easily be transfered with the
computer by copying a pattern from one song-folder to another. But take
care to not overwrite an existing pattern in the target folder. The best way
to do the transfer is copying the desired patterns onto the computer
harddrive, checking which pattern numbers are not in use in the target
songfolder, renaming the patterns at the computer and copying the files
to the target songfolder.
All other filetypes are at the root directory of the Flash-memory.
anyname.SLI and anyname.SLC
The *.SLC and *.SLI-files are sample-data files for the Spectralis. SLI-
files contain one single sample or multisample and *.SLC-files contain a
collection of samples or multisamples. These files can be set to "dynamic
loading" or "fix loading" in the browse menu of the Spectralis. Sample-
Sets, set to "dynamic loading", will only be loaded, if you select a song
or a sound preset, that uses this sample-set. Sample-Sets set to "fix
loading" will always be loaded at startup automaticly independent from
their usage. Sample-Sets can be provided via the Smartmedia Cards as
well. The Spectralis automaticly browses all inserted cards during startup
and loads "fixed"-Sample-Set directly into the memory and enumerates
all sample-names it can found in any dynamic loadable Sample-Set-files
- that allows to create a sample list for the DSP-Synth Oscillator menu,
that shows up samples as well, which are not already loaded into the
RAM memory.
anyname.SSB - Soundbank files
SSB-files are Spectralis soundbank-files and contain sound-presets. Up
to 24 soundbank files are supported by the Spectralis - 8 banks for Drum-
sounds, 8 banks for DSP-synth sounds and 8 banks for analog-synth
Spec_En.hlp - english Help System files
The spectralis has a help system that allows to recall a helpstring for all
spectralis parameters. The file itself contains the help strings. It's easy to
create your own messages for the help system. Just open the file into a
writing application and produce your own helpfile. Feel free to send us
other language versions;-) From Inside any of the parameter menus just
press and hold [Shift] and the encoder button of the parameter, you would
like to get some infos about. The strings will be dispalyed immediatly.
The help function can be left by pressing the [Exit]-button or by pressing
any other button.