User Manual

2.5 Frontpanel overview
The following is a first overview of the assorted sections of the frontpanel.The
enclosed picture and written descriptions are provided for easy orientation and
to help you easily understand the basic structure of the Spectralis. Once you’re
done reading this chapter and are moving on to the section dealing with practical
tips for the use of the Spectralis, you will find this basic orientation helpful.
2.5.1 „PART“-button section
(upper left)
Just like the ”Num-Button-Assignment” Section, the ”Part Section” also can
be used to change the assignments of numeric Buttons [1]-[16].
The [Select]-button assigns the part-selection to the numeric buttons. A
part selected with a numeric button can be edited using the encoders and
buttons of the ”Synth-Edit” Section (LFO-,VCO,VCF,VCA-Section). A
real-time recording of the sequencer starts the recording of the motif
always for the selected part. Any keyboard sending data on MIDI-channel
1, will always be assigned to the currently selected part. In addition to
the part-numbers the part-names are also printed on the panel right above
the corresponding numeric buttons. For instance you can access the ana-
log-synth-part by pushing numeric button [12].
The [Mute]-button allows you to mute individual parts using the numeric
buttons. Once you’ve muted one or more parts and are done with the
”Mute”-selections and want to move on to assign a different function to
these buttons, the [Mute]-button will blink. This is to remind you that
you are not currently hearing all of the parts.
The [Solo]-Button enables you to Solo individual parts once again using
the numeric buttons. Once you’ve Solo’ed one or more parts and want to
assign a different function to the numeric buttons, the [Solo]-button will
continue to blink, to remind you that you are not currently hearing all of
the parts.
The [Play]-Button also allows you to use the numeric Buttons as a
”Keyboard” in case you don’t have a MIDI-keyboard handy.
By pushing [PLAY] while holding down the [SHIFT] button you can
transpose the pitch of a selected pattern. The pattern will be played in its
original key when the C1 key is pushed. Numeric buttons [1]-[13] shift
the pitch of all tonal motifs in half-tone steps, the numeric buttons [14]
and [16] transpose the key by full octaves. In this case the [PLAY] button
Panel overview, "Part"-section
Transposing is the
shifting of the pitch of a
"motif of tones" by a
musical interval.