User Manual

2.5.3 "Sequence-Edit"-section
(to the right next to the NUM BUTTON ASSIGNMENT-Section)
Edit-Section of the step-sequencer, with the following control elements:
The use of the [Function]-button opens the display-menu for the editing
of the step-sequencer. The step-sequencer menu has a number of pages,
which can be accessed via the [Page-Up]- and [Page-Down]-buttons.
After pushing the [Function]- button the value data for the individual
steps will be assigned to the encoders 1-16. By holding down the
[Function]-button you can access a number of useful functions with the
numeric buttons directly. These functions are printed on the frontpanel
between numbers 1–10. (Trig, Skip, Glide, Mute, Last, FWD, BWD,
F&B, RND).
Please take note that all of these functions for each sequencer line can be
adjusted differently! True step-sequencer afficinados will be thrilled with
this information and make the most of it. As a basic overview though
this may be information overkill at this early stage. On page 66 you will
find a practical "How to...?" chapter for this powerful tool!
The step-sequencer menu itself also has a number of display pages, which
can be accessed by using the [Page-Up]- and [Page-Down]-buttons.
The [Iteration]-button opens a menupage for changing the playback of
a sequence-line. The lines can be rotated by steps.
The [Target]-button opens the menu for the change of sequencer-line
targets. Sequencer lines can control parameters of the analog-synth, trigger
note events for the DSP- and the analog synth and can control external
2.5.4 "Groove-Edit"-section
(in the middle of the panel directly above the encoders 1-16)
In the "groove-edit"-section of the Spectralis you can create new rhythm motifs for
your patterns.
The [Step/Accent]-button opens the beatmatrix menu in the display. The
Beatmatrix is a powerful grid editor which enables you to create and edit
new drum grooves fast and easily in the style of vintage drum computers.
The Beatmatrix uses the buttons [1]-[16] for creating new rhythms. A
practical lesson for the input of new rhythm-motifs can be found on page
78 of this manual.
Overview: "Sequence"- and "groove edit"-section