User Manual

3.1 Select, play and adjust patterns - the ”Pattern-Jam”
3.1.1 Introduction
Patterns are connections of assorted musical motifs with a duration of 1 to 16 bars,
normally consisting of drums, bass, chords and melodies of a song segment. Once
you put a number of these patterns together you end up with a complete song.
Contrary to many sequencer programs the pattern-sequencer of the Spectralis has a
very different design. While the goal of the average sequencer usually is the definite
production of a piece of music, the sequencer of the Spectralis was optimized with
an eye towards LIVE-use and LIVE "On the Fly Editing". That’s the feature we
would like to introduce to you first.
3.1.2 The first “Pattern-Jam”-session
In case it is not lit up already, push the [Pattern]-button in the "Num-Button-
Assignment"-section now. Next use one of the numeric buttons [1]-[16] or
[Shift]+[1]-[16], which will start the corresponding pattern. Use the tempo encoder
in the transport-section to set the tempo of the pattern corresponding to your personal
preference and liking.Up to 32 pattern can be holded by one song.
3.1.3 "Mute"-function – Muting individual parts
While jamming with the patterns it is likely you won’t want to hear all of the parts all
of the time. Usually you will want to start by playing a few of the parts and continue
adding more parts as you go along. That’s exactly what we will do next.
Push the [Mute]-button in the part-section next. Now the [Mute]-button will be lit
while the [Pattern]-Button light is turned off.
The buttons of the "Num-Button-Assignment"-section and the buttons
of the "Part"-section change the assignments of the numeric buttons.
This is why only one of these function can be accessed at a time. As a rule
this will be the most recently selected function.
Using the numeric buttons 1-15 you are now able to mute individual parts. After
you’re done muting once again push the [Pattern]-button. If one of the parts is still
muted when you push the button, you will see the [Mute]-button blinking, signaling
that you are not currently hearing all of the tracks. When you are selecting a new
pattern, the settings of the new pattern will override your current mute settings.
Sometimes you may just want to selectively mute a few parts – without losing the
previous assignments of the numeric buttons. That is definitly possible.
If you are currently in "Pattern-Jam"-mode, you can also select the mute-
function on a ”temporary” basis. Hold down the [Mute]-button in the
"Part"-section and push the numeric button of the parts which you wish
to mute. Once you release the numeric button the Spectralis will
automatically revert to the "Pattern-Select"-mode. This tip will also work
with the [Select]-and the [Solo]-button.
[Shift] allows to view
the part activity during
playback. Just hold the
[Shift] button down
during muting or
soloing parts to see,
which parts are play-
ing. The corres-ponding
Num-Button LEDs will
It's much easier to
identify a part you want
to mute if the part
activity is visible.