User Manual

3.2.6 Changing the volume envelopes
Envelopes make it possible to change a volume progression of a sound. Some
sounds resonate percussively, like the noise of a hammer being hit on a metal
plate, or may take a couple of seconds to reach maximum volume, like for
instance a Philicorda Organ when a volume pedal is pressed slowly. Sounds
can end apruptly just after releasing a key on your keyboard or can end slowly
like the Sound of a piano-wire when the sustain pedal is used.
When changing the envelope of the DSP-synth it is important to note:
The maximum duration of the sound with non-looped samples is dependent on the
length of the sample. There is no point to set the release time of an envelope to a high
value, if you’re using the sound of a champagne cork or a click as your sound. The
sound won’t get any longer, no matter how hard you try ;-). Similarly shortening the
attack time of the envelope will not speed up a sample with a slow fade-in at the
In order for you to hear the changes of an envelope directly just start any
pattern, select the desired part as described above and solo it. While
solo’ing is not necessary it makes it much easier to hear the full range of
the soundchanges.
Next push the encoder-button (EG-Balance) in the "VCA"-section on the front-
panel. This will open the following menu:
Volume Envelope
Att:0 Dcy:90 Stn:0 Rls:90
You now are able to control the envelope curve of the sound:
Att: Attack Time
Here you can determine how fast a Sound will reach maximum volume.
Dcy Decay Time
Adjust how fast the volume decreases to sustain level.
Stn: Sustain Level
The parameter ”Sustain” has nothing to do with timing input, but rather
is the level sustained after completion of the decay phase while a key is
being held down. This parameter is meaningless for short ”One-Shot”-
samples, as the sample often has decreased too much in volume by the
time it reaches the sustain level. For drum sounds it is usually best to set
the sustain level to 0 and to control the envelope with the attack and
decay phase.
Rls: Release Time
The release time is the time elapsed between letting releasing a key and
the complete disappearance of the sound.
Editing DSP-synth sounds - Volume envelopes