User Manual

4/4:24dB Lowpass: Cutoff Envelope Page1
Att:0 ^Dcy:71 Stn:137 Rls:70
Now you can control the most essential functions of the 24 dB lowpass. Just
play around for a while with all the functions described so far. This way you
will get a good feel for the sonic capabilities of the filter. Once you’ve had
your fill, we can move on with this chapter. In case you are wondering why the
tone stops abruptly when you release the keyboard, even with the Release (”Rls”)
set to it's maximum value you may want to go back two pages in the menu.
Here is where you will find the level envelope for the 24dB Lowpass. If the
release time is set to a low value, the tone will end despite the filter being open
because the amplifier behind the filter is at the end of the signal-path. To avoid
this from happening you should set the release-time of the 24dB lowpass level
envelope to a value of around 100!
If you’re hitting another key now with high expectations, you will still not hear
a change in the duration. In case you are now confused and start questioning
the usefulness of this chapter, you might want to re-read the introduction to the
chapter. It’ll take you to a small Sidebar:
3.3.3 Short Excursion: oscillators and envelopes
Corresponding to the introduction each oscillator has its own amp with envelope
If the sound stops right after releasing a key on your keyboard, it indicates that
the envelopes of the oscillators are active and have a short release-time setting.
Let’s test that theory. In the following drawing you can see a simplified sketch
of the ”inside” of one oscillator.
Directly next to the sound-source (Waveform Generation) there is an amplifier
(triangle-symbol), which is controlled by an envelope. The level controls for
the individual filters come after it! Below the amp you will see the ”EG-bypass-
signal path”. This one routes the signal of the current waveform directly to the
output volume pots - just bypassing the volume envelope.
Corresponding there are two ways to make the release-phase of the two filter-
envelopes audible.
I.) You can either open the EG-bypass parameter, so that the oscillator provides
continuous sound regardless of the envelope setting, or
II.) You can set the release-time of all involved oscillators to a bigger value.
Hybrid engine - oscillators and envelopes