User Manual

Hybrid engine - The fixed filterbank
the sustained note simply by playing another key on your keyboard (or the
MINI-keyboard of the Spectralis) without simultaneously pushing the
At this point you should play around some with the ”Modulator”-oscillator 4.
To do so push the (OSC-Detune)-encoder button and - by using [Page-Up]-
button select - the menu for adjusting the tuning “Coarse-Tune”. Make changes
now with the fourth encoder under the diplay and you can hear modulation
with a variety of frequencies. In order to keep the results clearly audible
throughout, set the filter-frequency to middle position with the help of the
(CutOff LP)-encoder – in other words set it to a value of 127. This is important
as the filter-envelope in a matter of seconds will pitch the filter-frequency way
down, After raising the filter-frequency you should be able to hear the
modulation loud and clear again and a change of the modulation-frequency
will show off the advantages of the oscillator-modulation as compared to the
Pitch the coarse tuning way down just once – let’s say to a value of minus 120.
You will now hear your typical LFO modulation-speed.
You can experiment now with a variety of waveforms. To get there push the (Osc
Wave)-button. Using the fourth display encoder you can shift the waveform of the
modulator continuously and seamlessly from a sine-wave (0) to a triangle wave (63)
to a sawtooth wave (127) all the way to a rectangle (255). Of course all other
adjustment possibilities that change waveforms have an effect on the filter-frequency
modulation as well. Why not give the ringmodulator a try?! Once you activate the
ringmodulator, its signal will take up the output of oscillator 4 instead of the usual
oscillator signal. Oscillator 3 and 4 are being routed into the ringmodulator.
Activating the ringmodulator can be done as follows:
Use the [Shift]-button, hold it down and push the [RingMod]-button at the bottom
right under the oscillator-section. Set the coarse tuning of both oscillators to different
values – for instance at around minus 100. Both oscillators should have at least
slightly different frequencies. This will generate modulation-patterns which are
considerably more complex than pure LFO waveforms. You can now modify them
either by adjusting the frequencies or the oscillator waveforms.
You can add a little more ”spice” by adding additional filter-modulators. You might
for instance want to add oscillator 2 as an additional modulator and set it into audio
range – while setting its modulation-depth in the filter-menu to a lower value.
3.3.7 The fixed filterbank
In the chapter: Descriptions – “The fixed filterbank” on page 15 you already have
received a brief introduction to the fixed filterbank. At this point we’re finally going to
hear what it is all about. To simplify matters we have saved a preset-sound, which
allows initial contact without too many detours. We are assuming that you are familiar
with the basic-information contained in the opening segments of the Hybrid Synth
"How to..." chapters and you should already know how to feed oscillators into the
filterbank (push the (Osc-Wave)-button and dial up menu-page 3, then insert
the desired oscillators into the filterbank). Select sound category “Voice” in the
selection-menu and choose the “VoiceSng” preset contained in this category.