User Manual

Hybrid engine - The fixed filterbank
24/27:Noise Direct Volumes
FB:0 LP:0 MM:00 SumL:0
Turn the first encoder and adjust the filterbank level for the noise source to a
value of about 200.
Push the filter-bank [Level]-button once more and make sure that the button is
lit, as this button can also alternatively be used to exit the filterbank. If the
button does not light up just push it once more. Encoders 1-10 are now assigned
to the level of the individual frequency-bands. If you set all filter levels to 0
beside the lowpass filter and if you rise up the volume for the LP-filter output
to a high volume, the sound engine should produce a low rumbling noisefloor,
in case you have a speaker-system that is capable of reproducing such low
frequencies. In case you are not hearing anything, please check the routing
once again. Turn the encoder [12]-[15] to a value of 0 and turn the filterbank
direct volume to a value of about 200 using the encoder [11]([FB Level]).
Now create a frequency band mix with encoders 1-10. Once you have set up a nice
sounding spectral mix push one of the control buttons (1)-(10) to open the filterbank
edit menu.
1/2:Filterbank Configuration
Morph:0 FBBP:255 FbQ:0 FbFs:0
You have the following parameters available in this menu:
Using just this one control you can change the progression of the volume
envelope for the two filterbank outputs R and L. On the next menu-page
the envelope will be available for editing with the obligatory attack, decay,
sustain and release parameters.
This is the previously mentioned bypass-control, which allows you to
pass the filterbank signal through an additional envelope controlled
amplifier. This menu-entry is definitely the most important one in the
filterbank menu if you start routing external signals into the filterbank.
For that process you should definitely turn up the bypass control so that
you can hear the external signal even if the analog-part is not being played.
More about this in a chapter later on. Turn this encoder up for the
upcoming experiments, to ensure constant sound from the filterbank
This parameter changes the resonance of all filterbands. It changes the
sound of the filterbank quite dramatically – just turn the encoder and
hear for yourself how much the noise-mix can be twisted around.