User Manual

generated. To simplify these first steps, we already have set the pitch-
information. - so you will get to hear decent results even without pitch changes
when you are switching on individual trigger points. The sequencer line
responsible for the triggering of the synth voice, which also allows the input of
the pitch, is sequencer line L11 “Tgrp1”. Push the [Function]-button in the
"Sequence-Edit"-section now and select sequencerline 11 with the first display
Press and hold the [Function]-button in the sequence section again and push the
numeric button [1]. This shortcut selects parameter page 7 of the stepsequencer
menu. However - this page can be selected by pressing the [Page-Up] button
7/8:Fnc TrigSet->TGrp1 Stp:01-16
Seq:L11 ^Note:A3 ^Len:1 ^Vel:100
The page you have reached allows the activating/deactivating of already defined
triggerpoints in a sequence.
You will now see the indicator lights moving corresponding to the sequence position
and you can turn individual notes on and off using the numeric buttons [1]-[16].
If you would like to change the pitch of a note, you can do so by adjusting the
corresponding encoder (1)-(16) to the desired pitch.
Once you have created a melody line you like, the step sequencer will allow you a
host of options to make changes. You can change the direction of the melody, skip
single or multiple steps, mute steps and determine the length and the resolution of the
line. By holding down the [Function]-button in the sequence-edit-section, you can
access all of these sequencer functions directly via the numeric-buttons.
Changing Playback Direction:
Push the [Function]-button in the sequence-edit-section, hold it down and push one
of the numeric buttons [6]-[9]. These have corresponding descriptions right under
the numbers.
[FWD] - The selected line will be played forward.
[BWD] - The selected line will be played in reverse.
[F&B] - The selected line will be played back alternating in
forward and backward mode.
[RND] - The tones will be played in random fashion.
If you don’t notice any impact on the note sequence, you may have selected the
wrong sequencer line by mistake – the direction can be set differently for each
line! The note line is line L11 “TGrp1”.
Using the "Skip"-function:
The ”Skip”-function allows for the skipping of single steps or a whole sequence
of steps. Select the [Function]-button in the sequence-edit-section and hold it
down. While holding it down push numeric-button 2 [Skip]. You can now
release both buttons. The "Skip"-function has now been assigned to the numeric
buttons. Accessing this function prompts the following display-menu:
The trigger sends out
control information
which can initiate a
predeter-mined action.
In our
case the trigger starts
the envelopes, which
are part of a sound
being played. Doing
this will open enve-
amplifiers and filters.
Step sequencer basics - Tonal sequences