User Manual

3.9.3 Initialising motifs and part parameters
The second menu-page lets you reset the sound or clear the motif:
2/2: Reset Sound of Part Kick?
[ClrSND] [ClrMotif]
[ClrSND] - Clear Sound
Pushing down the first Encoder-Button intializes the sound of the selected
[ClrMotif] - Clear Motif
Pushing down the fourth encoder deletes the motif.
3.9.4 Exchanging drum grooves
Parts 1-11 are the drum-parts of a Spectralis pattern. Sometimes it is handy to
exchange the entire drum-groove of an pattern. You can do that by hitting the [Drum
Groove]-button in the Num Button Assignment Section. The following display menu
will appear:
S08 PA15: Exchange Drumgroove
S:08 P:15
In the first display row you see the current song- and patternnumber.
S - Song-Selection
The first encoder selects the song, from which one wants to load a drum
groove into the current pattern.
P - Pattern Selection
The second encoder selects the drum-groove corresponding to the pattern
number you are selecting. The selection must be confirmed by hitting
the Pattern-Select Encoder. As soon you hit the encoder button, the
following menu appears:
Load Drumgroove of S08 PA15?
[No] [Yes]
The num-buttons can be used for the drumgroove-selection as well. The buttons
[1]-[16] and [Shift]+[1]-[16] are directly assigned to the drum grooves of pattern
1-32 (PA01 - PB16) of the current song. Although the confirm dialog is already
opened, you still can switch from one groove to another by hitting the num-buttons.
If you found the desired drum-groove, you can press [Yes] to load the
drum-groove into the pattern.
By pressing [No], you leave the confirm dialog and the drum-groove
selection menu will appear again to give you the opportunity to select
another song as the source for drum-grooves. Pressing any other num
Exchanging drum-grooves