User's Manual

KAIROS User Manual - version 1.3
Radio Activity S.r.l. 12/11/2014 11 / 41
These led report also the equipment status during the boot/startup phase; see the paragraph
below for a detailed explanation.
3.2 Radio status led
The “RX1 RX2 TX1 TX2” led assume different meaning during the functioning. There are four main
conditions where they give different groups of information: 1) LINUX booting state, 2) DSP booting state, 3)
radio calibration/self test state, 4) regular function state, 5) switching off, 6) maintenance state.
3.2.1 LINUX booting status
Pressing the power on/off button for at least 250ms, the equipment is
powered on and starts to load programs.
The FPGA is the first internal device that starts its job testing all
internal clocks and other essential signals. The RX1 RX2 TX1 TX2
led, directly managed by the FPGA, give indications about the HW
status until the LINUX processor is running when the Ethernet
connection isn’t available.
If all internal signals are ok, these led alternate green and red lamping, moving from right to left (red) and
vice versa (green) indicating the LINUX O.S. start up phase. This condition appears until the LINUX and DSP
SW are running.
In the case the running condition doesn’t appears (wait at least 10-15 seconds from the power on), and the
led continue to move left and right, the LINUX SW or the DSP SW may be corrupted or not valid, therefore
the equipment can’t operate.
If the condition that led continue to move left and right doesn’t appear in 1-2 seconds from the power on,
the FPGA has detected a fail in internal signals. In case of this situation, please contact the Technical
Assistance. For your knowledge, in this case these led are indicating the type of fail as follow:
RX1: a fast red/green flashing of this led indicates that there is at least one fail in the internal clock/signal.
The fail should be indicated by the other led as explained in the following.
RX2: it reports the 40MHz DPS clock status as follow:
DPS clock is ok
DPS clock is present but unlocked
DPS clock is absent
TX1: it reports the 20MHz LINUX clock status as follow:
LINUX clock is ok
LINUX clock is present but unlocked
LINUX clock is absent