User Instructions

(b) If your C/B station will be con-
structed on an environmentally sensitive
site, or will be operated in such a manner
as to raise environmental problems,
under Sec. 1.1307 of this chapter, you
must provide an environmental assess-
ment, as set forth in Sec. 1.1311 of this
chapter, and undergo the environmental
review, Sec. 1.1312 of this chapter,
before commencement of construction.
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at
55 FR 20398, May 16, 1990]
How To Operate a CB Station
Sec. 95.407 (CB Rule 7) On what
channels may I operate?
(a) Your CB station may transmit only
on the following channels (frequencies):
\1\ See paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) Channel 9 may be used only for
emergency communications or for travel-
er assistance.
Page 2
Subpart D – Citizens (CB) Radio
Source: 48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, unless
otherwise noted.
General Provisions
Sec. 95.401 (CB Rule 1) What is the
Citizens Band Radio Service?
The Citizens Band (CB) Radio Service is
a private, two-way, short-distance voice
communications service for personal or
business activities of the general public.
The CB Radio Service may also be used
for voice paging.
Sec. 95.402 (CB Rule 2) How do I use
these rules?
(a) You must comply with these rules
(See CB Rule 21 Sec. 95.421, for the
penalties for violations) when you operate
a station in the CB Service from:
(1) Within or over the territorial limits
of places where radio services are regu-
lated by the FCC (see CB Rule 5, Sec.
(2) Aboard any vessel or aircraft reg-
istered in the United States; or
(3) Aboard any unregistered vessel or
aircraft owned or operated by a United
States citizen or company.
(b) Your CB station must comply with
technical rules found in subpart E of part
(c) Where the rules use the word
“you’’, “you’ means a person operating a
CB station.
(d) Where the rules use the word
“person,’’ the rules are concerned with an
individual, a corporation, a partnership,
an association, a joint stock company, a
trust, a state, territorial or local govern-
ment unit, or other legal entity.
(e) Where the rules use the term
``FCC’’, that means the Federal
Communications Commission.
(f) Where the rules use the term ``CB
station’’, that means a radio station trans-
mitting in the CB Radio Service.
Sec. 95.403 (CB Rule 3) Am I eligible
to operate a CB station?
You are authorized to operate a CB
station unless:
(a) You are a foreign government, a
representative of a foreign government,
or a federal government agency; or
(b) The FCC has issued a cease and
desist order to you, and the order is still in
Sec. 95.404 (CB Rule 4) Do I need a
You do not need an individual license
to operate a CB station. You are author-
ized by this rule to operate your CB sta-
tion in accordance with the rules in this
Sec. 95.405 (CB Rule 5) Where may I
operate my CB station?
You are authorized to operate your
CB station from:
(a) Within or over any area of the
world where radio services are regulated
by the FCC. Those areas are within the
territorial limits of:
(1) The fifty United States.
(2) The District of Columbia.
Caribbean Insular areas
(3) Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(4) Navassa Island.
(5) United States Virgin Islands (50
islets and cays).
Pacific Insular areas
(6) American Samoa (seven islands).
(7) Baker Island.
(8) Commonwealth of Northern
Mariana Islands.
(9) Guam Island.
(10) Howland Island.
(11) Jarvis Island.
(12) Johnston Island (Islets East,
Johnston, North and Sand).
(13) Kingman Reef.
(14) Midway Island (Islets Eastern
and Sand).
(15) Palmyra Island (more than 50
(16) Wake Island (Islets Peale, Wake
and Wilkes).
(b) Any other area of the world,
except within the territorial limits of areas
where radio services are regulated by—
(1) An agency of the United States
other than the FCC. (You are subject to its
(2) Any foreign government. (You are
subject to its rules.)
(c) An aircraft or ship, with the permis-
sion of the captain, within or over any
area of the world where radio services
are regulated by the FCC or upon or over
international waters. You must operate
your CB station according to any applica-
ble treaty to which the United States is a
Sec. 95.406 (CB Rule 6) Are
there any special restrictions
on the location of my CB sta-
(a) If your CB station is located on
premises controlled by the Department of
Defense you may be required to comply
with additional regulations imposed by
the commanding officer of the installation.
(megahertz MHz)
\1\ 27.065
(c) You must, at all times and on all
channels, give priority to emergency
communication messages concerning
the immediate safety of life or the imme-
diate protection of property.
(d) You may use any channel for
emergency communications or for travel-
er assistance.
(e) You must share each channel with
other users.
(f) The FCC will not assign any chan-
nel for the private or exclusive use of any
particular CB station or group of stations.
(g) The FCC will not assign any chan-
nel for the private of exclusive use of CB
stations transmitting single sideband or
Sec. 95.408 (CB Rule 8) How high may
I put my antenna?
(a) Antenna means the radiating sys-
tem (for transmitting, receiving or both)
and the structure holding it up (tower, pole
or mast). It also means everything else
attached to the radiating system and the
(b) If your antenna is mounted on a
hand-held portable unit, none of the fol-
lowing limitations apply.
(c) If your antenna is installed at a
fixed location, it (whether receiving, trans-
mitting or both) must comply with either
one of the following:
(1) The highest point must not be
more than 6.10 meters (20 feet) higher
than the highest point of the building or
tree on which it is mounted; or
(2) The highest point must not be
more than 18.3 meters (60 feet) above
the ground.
(d) If your CB station is located near
an airport, and if you antenna structure is
more than 6.1 meters (20 feet) high, you
may have to obey additional restrictions.
The highest point of your antenna must
not exceed one meter above the airport
elevation for every hundred meters of dis-
tance from the nearest point of the near-
est airport runway. Differences in ground
elevation between your antenna and the
airport runway may complicate this for-
mula. If your CB station is near an airport,
you may contact the nearest FCC field
office for a worksheet to help you figure
the maximum allowable height of your
antenna. Consult part 17 of the FCC’s
Rules for more information.
WARNING: Installation and removal of
CB station antennas near powerlines
is dangerous. For your safety, follow
the installation directions included
with your antenna.
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at
48 FR 41416, Sept. 15, 1983]
Sec. 95.409 (CB Rule 9) What equip-
ment may I use at my CB station?
(a) You must use an FCC certificated
CB transmitter at your CB station. You
can identify an FCC certificated transmit-
ter by the certification label placed on it by
the manufacturer. You may examine a list
of certificated equipment at any FCC
Field Office or at FCC Headquarters. Use
of a transmitter which is not FCC certifi-
cated voids your authority to operate the
(b) You must not make, or have
made, any internal modification to a cer-
tificated CB transmitter. (See CB Rule 25,
Sec. 95.425). Any internal modification to
a certificated CB transmitter cancels the
certification, and use of such a transmitter
voids your authority to operate the sta-
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at
63 FR 36610, July 7, 1998]
Sec. 95.410 (CB Rule 10) How much
power may I use?
(a) Your CB station transmitter power
output must not exceed the following val-
ues under any conditions:
AM (A3)—4 watts (carrier power)
SSB—12 watts (peak envelope power)
(b) If you need more information
about the power rule, see the technical
rules in subpart E of part 95.
(c) Use of a transmitter which has car-
rier or peak envelope power in excess of
that authorized voids your authority to
operate the station.
Sec. 95.411 (CB Rule 11) May I use
power amplifiers?
(a) You may not attach the following
items (power amplifiers) to your certificat-
ed CB transmitter in any way:
(1) External radio frequency (RF)
power amplifiers (sometimes called lin-
ears or linear amplifiers); or
(2) Any other devices which, when
used with a radio transmitter as a signal
source, are capable of amplifying the sig-
(b) There are no exceptions to this
rule and use of a power amplifier voids
your authority to operate the station.
(c) The FCC will presume you have
used a linear or other external RF power
amplifier if—
(1) It is in your possession or on your
premises; and
(2) There is other evidence that you
have operated your CB station with more
power than allowed by CB Rule 10, Sec.
(d) Paragraph (c) of this section does
not apply if you hold a license in another
radio service which allows you to operate
an external RF power amplifier.
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended at
63 FR 36610, July 7, 1998]
Sec. 95.412 (CB Rule 12) What com-
munications may be trans-mitted?
(a) You may use your CB station to
transmit two-way plain language commu-
nications. Two-way plain language com-
munications are communications without
codes or coded messages. Operating
signals such as ``ten codes’’ are not con-
sidered codes or coded messages. You
may transmit two-way plain language
communications only to other CB sta-
tions, to units of your own CB station or to
authorized government stations on CB
frequencies about—
(1) Your personal or business activi-
ties or those of members of your immedi-
ate family living in your household;
(2) Emergencies (see CB Rule 18,
Sec. 95.418);
(3) Traveler assistance (see CB Rule
18, Sec. 95.418); or
(4) Civil defense activities in connec-
tion with official tests or drills conducted
by, or actual emergencies announced by,
the civil defense agency with authority
over the area in which your station is
(b) You may use your CB station to
transmit a tone signal only when the sig-
nal is used to make contact or to contin-
ue communications. (Examples of cir-
cuits using these signals are tone operat-
ed squelch and selective calling circuits.)
If the signal is an audible tone, it must last
no longer than 15 seconds at one time. If
the signal is a subaudible tone, it may be
transmitted continuously only as long as
you are talking.
(c) You may use your CB station to
transmit one-way communications (mes-
sages which are not intended to establish
communications between two or more
particular CB stations) only for emer-
gency communications, traveler assis-
tance, brief tests (radio checks) or voice
Sec. 95.413 (CB Rule 13) What com-
munications are prohibited?
(a) You must not use a CB station—
(1) In connection with any activity
which is against federal, state or local
(2) To transmit obscence, indecent or
profane words, language or meaning;
(3) To interfere intentionally with the
communications of another CB station;
(4) To transmit one-way communica-
tions, except for emergency communica-
tions, traveler assistance, brief tests
(radio checks), or voice paging;
(5) To advertise or solicit the sale of
any goods or services;
(6) To transmit music, whistling,
Page 3
sound effects or any material to amuse
or entertain;
(7) To transmit any sound effect
solely to attract attention;
(8) To transmit the word ``MAY-
DAY’’ or any other international distress
signal, except when your station is
located in a ship, aircraft or other vehi-
cle which is threatened by grave and
imminent danger and your are request-
ing immediate assistance;
(9) To communicate with, or attempt
to communicate with, any CB station
more than 250 kilometers (155.3 miles)
(10) To advertise a political candi-
date or political campaign; (you may
use your CB radio for the business or
organizational aspects of a campaign, if
you follow all other applicable rules);
(11) To communicate with stations
in other countries, except General
Radio Service stations in Canada; or
(12) To transmit a false or deceptive
(b) You must not use a CB station to
transmit communications for live or
delayed rebroadcast on a radio or tele-
vision broadcast station. You may use
your CB station to gather news items or
to prepare programs.
Sec. 95.414 (CB Rule 14) May I be
paid to use my CB station?
(a) You may not accept direct or
indirect payment for transmitting with a
CB station.
(b) You may use a CB station to
help you provide a service, and be paid
for that service, as long as you are paid
only for the service and not for the actu-
al use of the CB station.
Sec. 95.415 (CB Rule 15) Who is
responsible for communications I
You are responsible for all commu-
nications which are made by you from
a CB station.
Sec. 95.416 (CB Rule 16) Do I have
to limit the length of my communica-
(a) You must limit your CB commu-
nications to the minimum practical time.
(b) If you are communicating with
another CB station or stations, you, and
the stations communicating with you,
must limit each of your conversations to
no more than five continuous minutes.
(c) At the end of your conversation,
you, and the stations communicating
with you, must not transmit again for at
least one minute.
Sec. 95.417 (CB Rule 17) Do I identi-
fy my CB communications?
(a) You need not identify your CB
(b) [You are encouraged to identify
your CB communications by any of the
following means:
(1) Previously assigned CB call
(2) K prefix followed by operator ini-
tials and residence zip code;
(3) Name; or
(4) Organizational description
including name and any applicable
operator unit number.]
(c) [You are encouraged to use your
``handle’’ only in conjuction with the
methods of identification listed in para-
graph (b) of this section.]
Sec. 95.418 (CB Rule 18) How do I
use my CB station in an emergency
or to assist a traveler?
(a) You must at all times and on all
channels, give priority to emergency
(b) When you are directly participat-
ing in emergency communications, you
do not have to comply with the rule
about length of transmissions (CB Rule
16, Sec. 95.416). You must obey all
other rules.
(c) You may use your CB station for
communications necessary to assist a
traveler to reach a destination or to
receive necessary services. When you
are using your CB station to assist a
traveler, you do not have to obey the
rule about length of transmissions (CB
Rule 16, Sec. 95.416). You must obey
all other rules.
(d) You may use your CB station to
transmit one-way communications con-
cerning highway conditions to assist
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended
at 57 FR 22442, May 28, 1992]
Sec. 95.419 (CB Rule 19) May I oper-
ate my CB station transmitter by
remote control?
(a) You may not operate a CB sta-
tion transmitter by radio remote control.
(b) You may operate a CB transmit-
ter by wireline remote control if you
obtain specific approval in writing from
the FCC. To obtain FCC approval, you
must show why you need to operate
your station by wireline remote control.
If you receive FCC approval, you must
keep the approval as part of your sta-
tion records. See CB Rule 27, Sec.
(c) Remote control means opera-
tion of a CB transmitter from any place
other than the location of the CB trans-
mitter. Direct mechanical control or
direct electrical control by wire from
some point on the same premises, craft
or vehicle as the CB transmitter is not
considered remote control.
[48 FR 24894, June 3, 1983, as amended
at 57 FR 40343, Sept. 3, 1992; 63 FR
68976, Dec. 14, 1998]
Sec. 95.420 (CB Rule 20) May I con-
nect my CB station transmitter to a
(a) You may connect your CB sta-
tion transmitter to a telephone if you
comply with all of the following:
(1) You or someone else must be
present at your CB station and must—
(i) Manually make the connection
(the connection must not be made by
remote control);
(ii) Supervise the operation of the
transmitter during the connection;
(iii) Listen to each communication
during the connection; and
(iv) Stop all communications if there
are operations in violation of these
(2) Each communication during the
telephone connection must comply
with all of these rules.
(3) You must obey any restriction
that the telephone company places on
the connection of a CB transmitter to a
(b) The CB transmitter you connect
to a telephone must not be shared with
any other CB station.
(c) If you connect your CB transmit-
ter to a telephone, you must use a
phone patch device with has been reg-
istered with the FCC.
Other Things You Need To Know
Sec. 95.421 (CB Rule 21) What are
the penalties for violating these
(a) If the FCC finds that you have
willfully or repeatedly violated the
Communications Act or the FCC Rules,
you may have to pay as much as
$10,000 for each violation, up to a total
of $75,000. (See section 503(b) of the
Communications Act.)
(b) If the FCC finds that you have
violated any section of the
Communications Act or the FCC Rules,
you may be ordered to stop whatever
action caused the violation. (See sec-
tion 312(b) of the Communications
(c) If a Federal court finds that you
have willfully and knowingly violated
any FCC Rule, you may be fined up to
$500 for each day you committed the
violation. (See section 502 of the
Communications Act.)
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