User's Manual

Use Invisible Fence
Brand training flags to mark the
outside of the signal field range. This gives your pet a
visual marker, similar to how they learned the signal
field range of the outdoor pet containment system.
Allow your pet to enter the protected area. By already
being familiar with the training flags and the warning
beep, your pet should react immediatelyby moving
away from the protected area. It may take several times
for your pet to recognize and avoid the protected area.
Praise your pet for leaving the protected area.
You may need to adjust the signal field range so
yourpet receives the warning beep earlier.
Use Invisible Fence
Brand training flags to mark the edge of thesignal
field range.This gives your pet a visual marker.
Use Invisible Fence
Brand correction post covers, or safety posts, on the
Computer Collar
Unit for the first training session. This will introduce
your pet to the idea of leaving the protected area when he hearsthe warning
Attach a long lead to your pet’s collar strap and show your pet how to avoid
the protected area by gently guiding the pet out of the range when the
warningbeep sounds.
Note: Do not attach a lead to the Computer Collar
unit strap. This can
resultin Pulling the Correction Posts too tightly against your pet’s neck.
Attach a lead to a separate, nonmetallic collar or harness, making sure the
extra collarstrap does not put pressure on the Correction Posts.
Praise your pet for leaving the protected area.
Repeat this process until your pet reacts to the warning beep on their own
by moving away from the protected area.
Remove the post covers, or safety posts, on the Computer Collar
Allow your pet to enter the protected area. Your pet should react
immediately to the warning beep and correction by moving away from the
protectedarea. It may take several times for your pet to recognize and avoid
the protected area.
After training is complete, remove your pet’s Computer Collar
unit each
night to prevent irritation. However, if this is not possible, please check the
tightness of the collar each time you feed your pet by removing the collar
and then.
Training Guide