User's Manual

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Training Guide
General Tips
For multi dog households, train one dog at a time.
Use only dry treats/kibble.
When using the Handheld Remote, it is best that your dog associate the treats/kibble with you, not
the Handheld Remote.
Don’t point the remote at your pet.
Keep training fun!
If your dog barks, tries to bite or paw at the Treat Dispenser during training, change his focus to the
pee pad. Give him some treats from your hand before using the Treat Dispenser. As he quiets and
gives you good behavior give a treat from the Dispenser. Secure the Treat Dispenser at a level on wall
higher than your dog can reach.
Make sure your dog is motivated with desirable treats/kibble before training begins. Change the
treats/kibble until the value of the treat is worth the work.
Don’t punish your pet for mistakes. This can only confuse your dog. If you notice he's about to pee in
an inappropriate place, move him to the pee pad.
Nutritionally Balanced Diet for Your Dog
It is important that your dog is already on a nutritionally balanced feeding program before you begin
using the Treat Dispenser. If you are using dry dog food/kibble, ensure they are the correct size and can
be used in the Treat Dispenser for training.
NOTE: If you free feed your dog, and he shows no interest in the kibble from the Treat Dispenser, change
to specific meal feeding times during the day while training with the Treat Dispenser. This should make the
dispensed kibble more enticing. If you use treats instead of kibble, your training sessions should be over
a longer number of days and the total calorie intake should be subtracted from your dog’s daily intake of
food. For most dogs, treats should make up less than 10% of a dog’s daily food intake.
Training Sessions
Although we typically take our dogs outside to eliminate, it is sometimes necessary to provide an indoor potty
area. This will require a minimum of four (estimated 10 – 15 minute) training sessions throughout a full day of
your time with your dog over 2 – 4 week period. Your patience and direct supervision is critical to the success
of the Train 'n Praise
Potty Training System. If you have more than one dog, train each dog separately with
no distractions by other pets, small children or any other interruptions. Training will begin without the Treat
Dispenser and Pee Pad Clip. These will be introduced gradually. Please read all training steps before starting.
Step 1
Introducing Moisture Detection Pads
1. With the Treat Dispenser turned off, place or coax your dog onto a
Train 'n Praise
Pee Pad. It is best
to choose the typical times dogs need to eliminate when on a regular nutritionally balanced diet.
Be consistent by placing or coaxing your dog on a pee pad right after your dog wakes up in the
morning, after eating or drinking, after playtime, after napping and before going to bed. Each time
your dog is on the pee pad is considered a training session.