User's Manual 13
2. During the first couple of training sessions say a cue word as in “potty time” or “bathroom” and give
a treat/kibble by hand when your dog is on the center of the pad. Keep your dog on the pee pad by
giving treats/kibble until he is comfortable and familiar with the feel of the pee pad. Use the same treat/
kibble by hand as you will use later in the Treat Dispenser.
Step 2
Training with Handheld Remote
The next step is introducing treats/kibble using the Handheld Remote and Treat Dispenser. Place the
Treat Dispenser within range of the pee pad. Determine whether you are using the tone. Continue placing
your dog on the pee pad. After your dog eliminates on the pee pad wait 10 seconds before pressing the
Handheld Remote. Ensure he gets the treats/kibble. In addition, wait at least 20 minutes before the next
training session as both of these specific time allowances will sequence your pet to fully relieve bladder
and not pee a little to get a treat and “trick” the system, thus resulting in a conditioned training behavior/
positive reward routine. Also, the specific times designed for the Train 'n Praise
Potty Training System will
provide adequate time for the pee pad’s top layer to dry before the next use. Using the audible tone on the
Treat Dispenser to alert the dog will also reinforce the positive reward.
1. When your dog eliminates on the pad (only on the absorbent section area) use the Handheld Remote to
release a treat/kibble from the Treat Dispenser and do not use or show treats/kibble in your hand any longer.
2. Continue to place or coax your dog onto a Train 'n Praise
Moisture Detection Pee Pad several times during
the day and multiple days until the dog starts to go to the pee pad without your assistance or your verbal
cues. It is important to continue to supervise during these training sessions to use the Handheld Remote
to release a treat in a timely manner stated above. Consistency and patience during this time, just like any
other type of training will be key to moving to the next training step and ultimately, successful indoor house-
training. Do not give a treat when the dog goes outside of the absorbent pee pad area. Train to only allow a
treat when used properly and not allowing a treat when the pad is missed will give you the desired results.
3. The pee pads are 100% disposable to keep clean-up easy and hassle free. It is recommended to use one
pee pad per day, per dog and replace each night or first thing in the morning. Depending on use, a new
pee pad must be replaced when it is full. Conveniently pull the pee pad together and toss in the garbage
and lay down a new pee pad.
Step 3
Training With Pee Pad Clip
After your dog is consistently using the pee pad and taking treats/kibble that you dispense using the Handheld
Remote, you are ready for the last step. The water-resistant, removable Pee Pad Clip is a wireless transmitter
that works similar to the Handheld Remote. It is designed to send a signal to the Treat Dispenser when the
pee pad detects moisture and is already programmed to wait 10 seconds before a treat/kibble is released. In
addition, it is scheduled to wait at least 20 minutes before another signal can be given to the Treat Dispenser.
The specific times designed for the Train 'n Praise
Potty Training System will provide adequate time for the pee
pad top layer to dry before the next use. You can decide to continue the audible tone on the Treat Dispenser to
alert the dog, reinforcing the positive reward, as if you were there and using the Handheld Remote.
1. Following the instructions on page 10, add the Pee Pad Clip to the Moisture Detection Pee Pad
within range of the Treat Dispenser.
2. After the Pee Pad Clip is attached, continue to monitor your pet 2-3 more times to ensure he is using
the pee pad, the Treat Dispenser is releasing treats/kibble, and he is eating them.