Installation Guide

Table Of Contents
RadioFrame System
Equipment Commissioning
RFN_3.1 Beta 89
5.3.6 Configuring the RFUs
Configure an RFU as you would the NCU or ACU, by entering a device name
and site address information. For each RFU, the configuration page shows the
iDEN RadioBlades and RAPs inserted into the RFU by slot.
1 Select the icon of the RFU you want to configure.
2 For Device Name, enter up to 60 alphanumeric characters to uniquely
identify the RFU.
Use names that are meaningful to the installation.
3 For Building Address, enter up to 3,000 alphanumeric characters specifying
the location of the NCU.
You can describe the street address, mailing address, building, and other site
information, as well as the building floor to indicate the location of the unit.
4 Select Save Changes.
5.3.7 Viewing Hardware and Software Versions
1 On the System Configuration (the ‘NCU Configuration’) page, select the link
Software Version Information
in the Other Configuration Options section.
The Software Version Information page depicts component in the RFS, and each
board installed in that component (see the following illustration). For each board,
the page lists:
HW—hardware version of the component