User's Manual

MC-Series System Installation & Testing
System Description
RadioFrame Networks, Inc. 25
2.4 Non-RFN Hardware
Non-RFN hardware for the MC-Series System must be procured and then installed in order for
the MC-Series System to be complete.
2.4.1 integrated Site Controller (iSC-3)
The MC-Series System includes a pair of redundant integrated Site Controllers, or iSC-3s, which
are connected to the macro network through a Channel Service Unit (CSU). The connection
between the iSC and the MC-Series System is via two coaxial interfaces. The first is a 10base-2
Ethernet connection to provide data communications. This connection is made directly to the MC-
Series System and does not require an external media converter. The second connection is a 1
pps reference for system timing.
For more information about the iSC-3, refer to the Motorola document Gen 3 Site Controller
System Manual, 68P80801E30-O.
2.4.2 Environmental Alarm System (EAS)
The Environmental Alarm System (EAS) provides a central location for site alarm signal
processing. The EAS monitors site environmental conditions, including AC power, smoke alarms,
intrusion alarms, antenna tower lights, etc.
Each of the site alarm contacts are normally closed and connected to the EAS through a 50-pin
Champ cable that connects to a punch block. All alarm contact pairs must be dry (isolated from
ground). Most alarm connections are inputs. Outputs provide a dry relay closure rated at 0.5
Amps, 30 Vrms or 60 Vdc, 10VA max.
Plan to implement EAS alarm blocks, wiring, and sensors as required depending on the
If the MC-Series System cabinet is deployed as a standalone unit (i.e., as the only cabinet in
the area), plan to provide standard Nextel facility environmental sensors, wiring, and
connections. Plan to install the EAS alarm blocks on the Telco board on the wall of the space
where the MC-Series System cabinet is located, and locate the high-temperature and low-
temperature sensors there. Plan to provide conduit or other wire routing from a door sensor,
HVAC units (if separate HVAC units are installed for the installation), and AC power failure /
surge arrestor failure sensors.
If the MC-Series System cabinet is deployed as one of a group of cabinets (i.e., in an RF
“hotel”), plan to provide standard Nextel facility environmental sensors, wiring, and
connections for one of the cabinets. The alarm facilities for the other cabinets will generally
not be used. For the cabinets with unused alarms, plan to strap all alarm inputs with 24AWG
solid-conductor wire (e.g., wire from a Category 5 cable). Plan to extend the 25-pair alarm
cables with pre-connectorized 25-pair extension cables as needed to allow the alarm blocks
to reach the wall space where they are to be mounted. Do not
plan to leave the alarm blocks
in the cabinets or otherwise not mounted.
If the alarm block must be installed within the MC-Series cabinet, mount as shown in the
following photograph.
For more information about the iSC-3, refer to the Motorola document Gen 3 Site Controller
System Manual, 68P80801E30-O.