User's Manual

MC-Series System Installation & Testing
RadioFrame Networks, Inc. 35
3.1.8 GPS Antennas
Refer to the Motorola Gen 3 Site Controller System Manual, 68P80801E30-O document and
Nextel standards for GPS antenna design and installation. Per the NEC (1) any cabling run
through an air plenum shall be plenum-rated, and (2) cabling is not to be laid on or suspended
from any ceiling grid or attached to the grid supports. Identify any contract labor and materials
3.1.9 T1 Service
Install T1 cabling from the point of demarcation to the MC-Series System cabinet, and providing
UL497B surge protection for the T1 circuit involved. Use standard Nextel-approved surge
arrestors for the T1 circuit. Per the NEC (1) any cabling run through an air plenum shall be
plenum-rated, and (2) cabling is not to be laid on or suspended from any ceiling grid or attached
to the grid supports. Identify any contract labor and materials required to extend the T1 service
from the demarcation point to the MC-Series System Cabinet. For ease of maintenance,
RadioFrame Networks recommends locating the demarcation point (SmartJack) in the same
space as the MC-Series System cabinet.
Refer to the Motorola Gen 3 Site Controller System Manual, 68P80801E30-O document and
Nextel standards for T1 design and installation.
3.1.10 Alarm Blocks
Various alarms or sensors are installed within the Nextel site building. All alarm wiring terminates
at the Environmental Alarm System (EAS) location within the cabinet. All alarm wires shall be
tagged and labeled with the appropriate alarm item. All
contacts will be normally closed, dry, and
isolated from ground. Alarm wire will be neatly run and secured using nylon cable ties/clamps
every three feet to walls and existing cable tray. All alarm wiring shall be two-wire, 22 AWG. Environmental Alarm System (EAS)
Plan to implement EAS alarm blocks, wiring, and sensors as required depending on the the
If the MC-Series System cabinet is deployed as a standalone unit (i.e., as the only cabinet in the
area), plan to provide standard Nextel facility environmental sensors, wiring, and connections.
Plan to install the EAS alarm blocks on the Telco board on the wall of the space where the MC-
Series System cabinet is located, and locate the high-temperature and low-temperature sensors
there. Plan to provide conduit or other wire routing from a door sensor, HVAC units (if separate
HVAC units are installed for the installation), and AC power failure / surge arrestor failure
If the MC-Series System cabinet is deployed as one of a group of cabinets (i.e., in an RF “hotel”),
plan to provide standard Nextel facility environmental sensors, wiring, and connections for one of
the cabinets. The alarm facilities for the other cabinets will generally not be used. For the cabinets
with unused alarms, plan to strap all alarm inputs with 24AWG solid-conductor wire (e.g., wire
from a Category 5 cable). Plan to extend the 25-pair alarm cables with pre-connectorized 25-pair
extension cables as needed to allow the alarm blocks to reach the wall space where they are to
be mounted. Do not plan to leave the alarm blocks in the cabinets or otherwise not mounted.