User's Manual

MC-Series System Installation & Testing
System Description
RadioFrame Networks, Inc.
2.1 MC-Series System Configuration
The MC-Series System can be configured to have 1, 2, or 3 sectors. The single sector, or omni
configuration can have up to 20 BRs. In multi-sector configurations, the BRs must be assigned to
sectors in groups of 8. For a 3-sector system the maximum number of BRs per sector is 8. For a
2-sector configuration one of the sectors can have up to 16 BRs, while the other sector can have
up to 8, providing a maximum capacity of 24 BRs in a 2- or 3-sector configuration.
The MC-Series System includes the following RadioFrame Networks hardware:
BTS Interface Chassis (BIC) is the interface to the iSC and routes Ethernet traffic for up to
three sectors.
Airlink Interface Chassis (AIC) performs the digital receive and transmit function for each
RadioBlade (RB) and provides the common timing source for each RBS.
RadioBlade Shelf (RBS) enables up to 24 RadioBlade
transceivers. A second RBS is
required to provide diversity through “receive only” RadioBlade transceivers.
iDEN 2-port RadioBlade transceivers (RBs) insert into slots in the RBS; each RB corresponds
to one iDEN BR.
RF Shelf provides Rx-Tx amplification, filtering, and distribution between the RBSs and
external equipment.
Power Distribution Unit (PDU) distributes DC power and provides overcurrent protection to
each component in the MC-Series System cabinet.
The MC-Series System includes the following non-RadioFrame Networks hardware:
ISC-3s: two integrated Site Controllers (iSC 3s) for redundancy
Environmental Alarm System (EAS)
provides additional external alarming as required.
Channel Service Unit (CSU) single-rack unit, high multi-purpose cross-connect, with the
ability to aggregate multiple types of traffic onto a single T1 for backhaul to the MSO.
DC power source.