User's Manual

MC-Series System Installation & Testing
Final Checkout and Commissioning
RadioFrame Networks, Inc.
5 Select the iDEN Configuration link at the bottom of the System Configuration page, and
verify that the MC-Series System iDEN cabinet/position and quad BR configuration matches
the site datafill.
Change the BR cabinet and position on the iDEN Configuration page to match the site
datafill. Assign quad BRs as required by the site datafill (only one quad BR per group). For
more information, refer to section 3.4 iDEN Configuration.
NOTE: If the number of BR instances in the Site datafill is less than the number of BR
instances (cabinet and positions entered on the iDEN Configuration page) and the number of
RadioBlades installed in the group, the alarm EXT BR RESET will be triggered. RadioBlades
register and seek out a cabinet and position from System Manager; if one is not available,
they go into a standby mode and wait for an empty cabinet and position.