User's Manual

MC-Series Standard Capacity system
998-1019-01 Rev X1
1-8 ©2008 RadioFrame Networks, Inc. MC-Series
Proprietary and Confidential Information
1.6 RadioFrame Networks Hardware
RadioFrame Networks hardware receives layer-3 control messages (control, voice,
packet data, SNMP, etc.) from the iSCIII and converts them into layer 2 PDUs
(Protocol Data Units) that are sent every 15 ms (received every 7.5 ms). Then the
ABIC converts the layer-2 PDUs into raw layer-1 Baseband I/Q samples that are
sent/received every 7.5 ms.
Figure 1.2 Default MCSC system Functional Diagram
1.6.1 Airlink BTS Interface Chassis (ABIC)
The ABIC interfaces to the iSCIII and provides all Base Radio (BR) management
functionality, including timing, converts iSCIII layer 3 messaging to layer 2
packets, converts 1PPS 5 MHz clock to packet-delivered timing, and provides
layer-1 and layer-2 processing of call data, including routing of packet data to
RadioBlade transceivers in DRBS, as well as timing to the DRBS. Within the ABIC
chassis are three assemblies (see the following illustrations):
Common RadioFrame Interface Card (CRIC)
BTS Processing Cards
Ethernet Rear Transition Module (ERTM)
Coax-to-RMII Transceiver Card (CRTC) deployed in rear slot 3