User's Manual

20-523 Owners Manual
Page 21
4. Press ENTER to set the frequency. If the entry frequency is incorrect it does not accept it, sounds invalid
and back to before press the number.
5. If you want to change the high-end limit frequency then press /¥ or ¥/ key to select higher-end limit
frequency entry.
6. Press your desired higher-end frequency and press ENTER.
7. Rotates SQ control clockwise and leave it set to a point just after hissing sound stops.
8. Press SEARCH and starts search. When the scanner finds an active frequency, it stops searching.
Special notes:
1. You can copy and save the frequency into a specified bank, channel, or priority channel when the
scanner finds an active frequency. See page XX Frequency Copy function to save the frequency.
Frequency copy functions only search bank 2, 3, 4 and 5.
2. You can set seek search by press FUNC then 7. LCD indicates Seek ON at the bottom line. While seek
search it stops at the active frequency for five second and restart search automatically and repeats.
3. You can set Zeromatic on or off by press FUNC then 0. Press them again to reverse Zeromatic setting.
While Zeromatic is turned on Z is indicated at the first digit of the second line and it stops at correct
frequency. If it is set off (no indication) then it stops when detect active signal even it is slightly off.
Zeromatic functions only search bank 2, 3, 4 and 5.
4. There are grouped bank in SR2 Police/Fire and SR4 Ham Band. You can turn off or on the group if press
group number while in SR2 and SR4 search band.
5. Press FUNC then /¥ to start up search from the lowest frequency and press FUNC ¥/ to start down
search from upper frequency in Air and Limit search band.
You can copy the indicated receiving frequency into specified channel, vacant channel in the specified bank
or priority channel.
Frequency in the Marine and CB band is not able to copy.
Copy the frequency in the specified channel
You can copy the indicated receiving frequency into specified channel when stops search or tune mode.
1. Press FUNC then PGM where you want to copy the indicated frequency.
2. Chan Store? appears at LCD bottom line. After about 1 second the frequency indication is changed to the
copy frequency.
3. Press your desired bank and the channel number where you want to store. Then LCD indicates the bank
and channel number. After about 1 second the copy frequency is blinked on the LCD.