User's Manual

20-523 Owners Manual
Page 36
When set to the open mode, the scanner only uses the ID list to look up ID text tags and stops on any ID
When set to the closed mode, the scanner stops only on signals that have an ID code which is found in the
ID list for the bank.
Note: When you select a channel manually, any transmission opens squelch, regardless of the current
Add illust
The open or closed mode is set in each channel storage bank. + or appears under the channel storage
banks number while scanning. Or, the status display shows the OPEN/CLOSED mode at the top line while
the scanner is in manual mode or receiving a signal during scanning.
When no ID code is programmed into the scanner, it receives the signal in MOT or ED mode.
Mode Open Closed
MOT/ED Stops on any transmission. If the Only stops on a transmission if the ID is
ID is stored, displays the text tag. stored. Displays the text tag.
Otherwise, displays the talk group
Changing the Open/Closed Mode
1. Press MANUAL.
2. Press FUNC then or ¥/ to select the channel storage bank.
3. Press FUNC then 5. Bank OPEN or Bank CLOSED appears. After that message disappears, the 10th
digit on the top line of the display changes from + to or vice versa.
4. Repeat Steps 23 for each bank.
A General Guide to Scanning
Reception of the frequencies covered by your scanner is mainly line-of-sight. That means you usually
cannot hear stations that are beyond the horizon.
US Weather Frequencies in MHz