User Manual

Navi installation / update via USB / SD card
Here we will demonstrated how to install Navigation map from apk file and we will
use igo in this example. For an update please delete the complete IGO folder in the
file manager on the device !!!
1. Downloaded igo.rar file and extract the file (for example with WinRar)
2. Save unpacked folder without changing anything on a USB stick or SD Card and
insert it to the device
On File Manager, select the USB memory on the right.
Now select the igo folder and click Copy and click on the left side of the
Homepage Button , select the device memory on the right and click on paste
Remove the USB stick/SD Card from the device, Open the IGO folder and locate the
apk file with the IGO icon, install the app
Open the navigation app, you may see an error message, ignore it.