User's Manual

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Full access to user parameters and to editing databases requires logging as an operator with
<Administrator> permissions level. The logging procedure should be carried out on each switching
on of the balance.
First Log In operation procedure:
Run home screen and press < > button, operators database window opens with list of
available users,
Select <Admin> option, the software activates an on-screen keyboard, use it to enter operator’s
password: „1111”,
Press button to confirm,
Home screen of the software is displayed again automatically,
When logged, add users and set the permissions levels.
On future Logging In, select a user from the list and enter the password, the software initiates
operation with permissions level set for the selected user.
Log out operation procedure:
Run home screen and press < > button, operators database window opens,
Press <Log out> soft key (located as position no. 1 in the list of operators),
Home screen of the software is displayed again automatically.
Permissions levels
Balance software comprises three permissions levels: administrator, advanced operator, user.
Permissions level dependent access to edition of user parameters, databases and software
Permissions levels Enabled operations
Free editing of parameters of <Readout> submenu. Modification of
settings for <Misc.> parameter group, except for settings for <Date and
The operator can start and carry out all weighing processes.
The operator can preview information recorded in <Databases>, (s)he
can define universal variables.
Advanced User
Free editing of parameters of the following submenus: <Readout>;
<Working modes>; <Communication>; <Peripherals>; <Misc.>.
Access to <Date and Time> submenu denied.
The advanced operator can start and carry out all weighing processes.
Access to all user parameters and functions, editing databases
8.3. UNITS
UNITS parameter group enables you to change availability of mass units (the change can be
performed in-course of balance operation), and to define two custom units, thus positively effecting
comfort and speed of operation. It is possible to change unit to other than unit [g] during weighing
process or during operation of other modes. Working modes Parts Counting and Percent Weighing
are exceptions.