User's Manual

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User adjustment is carried out with an optional standard of mass ranging between 0,3 Max and Max.
User adjustment and external adjustment procedures are likewise with one exception, before user
adjustment start, a message box for entering mass of a standard used for user adjustment is opened.
User adjustment is possible for balances that are not a subject to conformity assessment (verification).
In order to start user adjustment, enter <Adjustment> submenu and select ‘User adjustment’ option.
Then follow the commands displayed on a screen.
Standard version of X2 series balances features the following working modes:
Means of operation: weight of a load is determined through an indirect measurement. A
balance measures gravitational force w
hich attracts the load. An obtained result is
processed to a digital format and displayed in a form of measurement result.
Parts Counting
Means of operation: based on a determined mass of a single part it is possible to count
another parts, assuming that mass of a single part is determined with sufficient accuracy,
and that the following parts are equal in mass.
Means of operation: control of sample mass with applied thresholds. A user should
specify the value of min threshold <LO> and max threshold <HI>.
Means of operation: a user should specify sample’s target mass to be obtained by
Percent Weighing
Means of operation: control of percent ratio of a sample in relation to a standard
(reference). Obtained data provid
es percent ratio on how test sample differs from the
accepted standard (reference).
Density of solids
Means of operation: based on Archimedes principle, a balance determines density of
solids. The mode requires an optional density determination kit.
Density of liquids
Means of operation: based on Archimedes principle, a balance determines density of
liquids. The mode requires an optional density determination kit.
Animal Weighing
Means of operation: mass measurement takes place with application of filters dampening
animal moves on a weighing pan, thus enabling obtaining a correct measurement result.
Means of operation: carried out measurements are used to calculate statistical data, such
as Min, Max, deviation, etc.