User's Manual

Appendix D AIND Antenna Alignment Procedure WinLink1000 Installation and Operation Manual
D.1 Expected Signal Level
Based on the link budget parameters of the actual WinLink sites, you
need to calculate the expected signal level that will be received by the
receiving site.
Use the Link Budget Calculator utility supplied on the WinLink1000
Manager Software CD-ROM to calculate the expected performance of
the WinLink1000 wireless link. The utility allows you to determine the
RSS of the link, and find the number of E1/T1 services available at
various data rates, with the minimum and maximum distance.
D.2 Performing WinLink1000-AIND Alignment
The supervisor of the antenna alignment is situated at the receive site
with the Spectrum Analyzer.
Equipment Setup
To set up the antenna alignment equipment:
1. Coarsely align the two antennas. Use the compass readings taken
during the Site Survey to point the antennas in the correct direction.
2. Connect the equipment as shown in
but connect a
spectrum analyzer in place of the remote WinLink1000-AIND.
3. Turn on the CW transmit signal from site A (from the WinLink1000
4. 4. At site B, tune the SA to the frequency transmitted.
5. 5. Increase the SA sensitivity according to the expected receive
Align the antennas:
When one antenna is moved, the opposite ite is passive s
Move the antennas very slowly
1. Slowly move the site B antenna azimuth axis (the elevation axis
should be locked) until you see the best signal on the SA Lock the
azimuth axis.
D-2 Performing WinLink1000-AIND Alignment