User's Manual Part 1

Connecting and Aligning ODUs / Antennas Chapter 3
RADWIN 2000 User Manual Release 2.5.40 3-14
Figure 3-14: Beep Sequence for antenna alignment
8. Secure the site A antenna to the pole/wall.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for site B.
To align two external monopolar antennas:
1. Using a coax cable with N-Type connectors, connect one antenna to the ANT 1 con-
nector of the ODU.
2. Follow the steps 3 to 7 above to align the antenna connected to the ODU connector
ANT 1 on both sides of the link.
3. On both sides of the link, disconnect the antenna connected to the ODU connector
ANT 1. Connect the other antenna to connector ANT 1 and follow the steps 3 to 7
above to align the second antenna.
4. Secure the antennas to the pole/wall.
5. Restore one of the antennas to ANT 2 on both sides of the link.
Three beeps and a pause is 'best signal so far'
Two beeps and a pause is 'signal quality increased'
One beep and pause is 'no change in signal'
Long beep and short pause is 'signal quality decreased'
One beep and a long pause is 'no air link'
Any other signal does not relate to antenna alignment
The ODU buzzer only works on the radio connected to the ANT 1 connector
marked . You will therefore need to use ANT 1 to align both antennas in
turn. Upon completion of the alignment procedure, you may connect the
two antennas to ANT 1 and ANT 2 connectors.