User's Manual

AreaRAE Plus & AreaRAE Pro User’s Guide
GPS enabled and power is off
(flashing) Cannot find satellite
1 to 3 satellites
4 to 8 satellites
9 to 12 satellites
Pump operating normally (alternates between these two icons)
Pump blocked (blinks once per second)
Datalogging status (shown when datalogging is on, blank when off)
Battery voltage is ≥80%
Battery voltage is ≥50% and <80%
Battery voltage is ≥10% and <50%
Battery voltage is <10%
Battery error
Sensor due for calibration
Sensor due for a bump test
All electrochemical sensors tested and calibrated to policy” tick mark (all electrochemical
sensors have been bump tested and calibrated; no sensor is overdue for a bump test or
calibration according to the intervals configured on the instrument). This icon is not shown if
any sensor is due for bump testing or calibration, or if policy enforcement is turned off
Wind speed
Wind direction
Relative humidity