User's Manual

AreaRAE Plus & AreaRAE Pro User’s Guide
13. Once your settings are made, upload the settings to the AreaRAE Plus/Pro. Click this icon:
14. When uploading is finished, quit ProRAE Studio II.
15. On the AreaRAE Plus/Pro, press [Y/+] to exit Communication mode.
16. Disconnect the USB cable.
12.3.8 Monitor
The submenus under Monitor” control the following:
LCD Contrast
Pump Speed
Zero At Start
Fast Startup
Site ID
User ID
Secure In Place
Press [N/-] to advance through the submenus, and when you reach the last one, it returns to the first
LCD Contrast
The display’s contrast can be increased or decreased from its default setting. You may not need to ever
change the default setting, but sometimes you can optimize the display to suit extreme temperature and
ambient brightness/darkness conditions.
1. Use the [Y/+] and [N/-] keys to decrease or increase LCD contrast, respectively (the bar graph
aids in setting it).
2. When you are done, press [MODE] to select Done.”
If you have not made a change, it exits to the submenu’s next selection. If you have made a change, you
are prompted at the next screen to press [Y/+] to save the change or [N/-] to undo the change and exit to
the next submenu selection.
Pump Speed
The AreaRAE Plus/Pro’s pump can operate at two speeds, high and low. It is recommended that you run
the pump at high speed.
1. Press [Y/+] to see the current, selected setting.
2. Press [N/-] to scroll to Highor “Low.”