User's Manual

Honeywell Confidential and Proprietary Revision –1.1 Page 15 of 15
Copyright © 2015 Honeywell Analytics, All rights reserved.
For a composite system that incorporates devices contained either in a
single enclosure or in separate enclosures connected by wire or cable,
testing for compliance with the standards in this part shall be performed
with all of the devices in the system functioning. If an intentional radiator
incorporates more than one antenna or other radiating source and these
radiating sources are designed to emit at the same time, measurements of
conducted and radiated emissions shall be performed with all radiating
sources that are to be employed emitting. A device which incorporates a
carrier current system shall be tested as if the carrier current system were
incorporated in a separate device; that is, the device shall be tested for
compliance with whatever rules would apply to the device were the carrier
current system not incorporated, and the carrier current system shall be
tested for compliance with the rules applicable to carrier current systems.