Operating instructions

RailKing 4-Car Subway Set Operating Manual
which indicates that a passenger wishes to exit the car at the current stop.
At this point the operator should release the bell button if he wishes to stop
the car. If the operator continues to hold the bell button down, the car will
continue travelling down the track until the operator chooses to release the
bell button. This option gives the operator the true sense of acting as the
Subway driver. It also allows the operator to precisely control where the
Subway Set does stop. This option is the default setting for the TAS
Once the bell button is released, the Subway Set will come to an automatic
stop even though power to the track has not been interrupted by the
operator. Once stopped, the TAS feature will play the sound of the doors
opening followed by the sounds of passengers leaving the cars and others
arriving. During this event, the operator can expect to hear a variety of
different sounds, including passing subway trains, passenger conversational
sounds and the authentic sounds
of a busy subway station. After a
set period of time, the operator
can expect to hear the standard
“stand clear of the doors”
message, followed by a double
bell “ding, dong” and the sound of
the car’s doors closing.
Immediately following the door closing, the motor will be engaged and the
Subway Set will automatically take off. The TAS feature will automatically
start the car back up in the same direction it was travelling when the TAS
feature was activated. So if the car was travelling forward before TAS was
activated, it will continue travelling forward once TAS has completed.
Option 2 Manual Mode The TAS feature is armed in the same manner
as Option 1, but instead, after the “air let-off” sound has played and the bell
button released, the car will not automatically stop. To activate the rest of
the TAS features, the operator must stop the car and place it in the neutral
position by interrupting the transformer throttle. The car will not
automatically start up again after the initial TAS sounds have played,
Instead, the sounds will continue to repeat themselves giving the operator
the ability to leave the car at the stop for longer periods of time. When the
operator is ready to leave the stop, the transformer throttle must be
interrupted again. This will be followed by the sound of a double bell
“ding, dong” and the sound of the doors closing. After the door closing,
Psst, Psst
Release The Railsounds®
Bell Button To Stop The Car
After Hearing The
Air Let-Off Sound