User Manual

FIGURE 21. Multiple A/Ds with Z-80 Type Microprocessor
0038 E5 PUSH HL ; Save contents of all registers affected by
0039 C5 PUSH BC ; this subroutine.
003A F5 PUSH AF ; Assumed INT mode 1 earlier set.
003B 21 00 3E LD (HL),X3E00 ; Initialize memory pointer where data will be stored.
003E 0E 01 LD C, X01 ; C register will be port ADDR of A/D converters.
0040 D300 OUT X00, A ; Load peripheral status word into 8-bit latch.
0042 DB00 IN A, X00 ; Load status word into accumulator.
0044 47 LD B,A ; Save the status word.
0045 79 TEST LD A,C ; Test to see if the status of all A/D’s have
0046 FE 08 CP, X08 ; been checked. If so, exit subroutine
0048 CA 60 00 JPZ, DONE
004B 78 LD A,B ; Test a single bit in status word by looking for
004C 1F RRA ; a ‘1‘ to be rotated into the CARRY (an INT
004D 47 LD B,A ; is loaded as a ‘1‘). If CARRY is set then load
004E DA 5500 JPC, LOAD ; contents of A/D at port ADDR in C register.
0051 0C NEXT INC C ; If CARRY is not set, increment C register to point
0052 C3 4500 JP,TEST ; to next A/D, then test next bit in status word.
0055 ED 78 LOAD IN A, (C) ; Read data from interrupting A/D and invert
0057 EE FF XOR FF ; the data.
0059 77 LD (HL),A ; Store the data
005A 2C INC L
005B 71 LD (HL),C ; Store A/D identifier (A/D port ADDR).
005C 2C INC L
005D C3 51 00 JP,NEXT ; Test next bit in status word.
0060 F1 DONE POP AF ; Re-establish all registers as they were
0061 C1 POP BC ; before the interrupt.
0062 E1 POP HL
0063 C9 RET ; Return to original program