User's Manual

Rajant Corporation BreadCrumb
LX/LX3 User Guide
03-100101-001 Version: 3.00
the performance of the system.
Devices placed too far away or in RF “shadows” may experience total loss of connection.
RF transmit power and receive sensitivity are important in determining the distances over
which the device will be effective.
When placing a BreadCrumb device, check the connection status to the nearest available
device using either the BreadCrumb device’s status LED (described in section 2.5 Status
LED), or the
BC|Commander management application. If the connection is poor or non-existent, attempt
to relocate the BreadCrumb device closer to another device until an acceptable connection is
obtained. If a poor connection or no connection is made at even relatively close distances,
you should refer to Chapter 6 Troubleshooting.
When the connection quality is found to be acceptable from BC|Commander, the distance of
the BreadCrumb device from the network can be increased until an optimal balance between
distance, connectivity and tactical placement is achieved.
4.3.3 Weather
Precipitation and fog also act as obstructions blocking the propagation of the wireless network’s
radio waves.
Light fog or precipitation may result in noticeable degradation of wireless network performance.
Heavy precipitation or fog may result in severe performance degradation and possible loss of
network connectivity.
If the performance of a well functioning network is degraded by worsening weather conditions, it
may be advisable to add BreadCrumb devices into the network to act as short haul repeaters to
counteract the effects of the weather. An alternative is to move the devices closer together.
4.3.4 Interference
RF interference can degrade network performance and can come from many different sources,
Other BreadCrumb devices that are placed too closely together.
Other RF devices such as microwave devices, cordless phone base stations, radio
transmitters, other wireless networks, jamming devices, etc.
Metal surfaces such as fences and building can cause radio waves to be reflected, causing
multipath interference.
Plan the BreadCrumb Wireless Network to minimize the effects of RF interference.